Secondary News

Glen Innes and Guyra Show
The Agriculture farm at Guyra Central School has been a hive full of activity to start the 2018 year. Students have been busy preparing cattle and poultry while refining their sheep judging skills in preparation for the Glen Innes and Guyra Shows. Claire Davidson excelled at the Glen Innes show placing second in the sheep judging and first in the fruit and vegetable section. Ben Stevens also performed really well making the finals for two of sheep categories while Matthew Sisson, Tayla Mitchell, Jamie Loeb and Billy Youman were all successful in making the finals for one of their particular events. Stephanie Cameron was also successful in gaining a finals spot in the beef cattle judging competition.
At the Guyra Show there were also many stand out performances from students in the junior judging competitions including Robert Sisson and Ellie Mitchell placing 1st and 2nd respectively in the Year 7 division while Jamie Loeb gained 2nd place in the Year 8 section. Myles Williams placed 2nd in the Year 9-10 category with BJ Cameron finishing 4th in the open section. Jack Lockyer was also a finalist in the cattle parading competition which saw some very fierce competition.
The Murray Grey females also performed exceptionally well in the stud cattle competition with the outstanding result of ‘Bonny’ being awarded Champion Murray Grey exhibit at Guyra.
A huge thank you to Gwyn and Ian Pearson for all the help and support provided over the two shows and for transporting the cattle to and from Glen Innes. Outstanding effort and achievement from all students, and we now look forward to Armidale Show early in March.
Bangara Dance Theatre
On Thursday 15th February, Aboriginal students from years 7-9 were invited to participate in a one day workshop at Tamworth High School with the Bangara Dance Theatre. The first part of the day we spent completing warm up routines, after a short break we all learnt several dance routines from the Bangara Dance Theatre including a routine which required the boys and girls splitting into groups. At the end of the day we all performed the dances we had learnt and some students were selected to perform the dance at the school spectacular at the end of the year. We would like to thank Mrs Wilson, Eunice and the bus driver for taking us down to Tamworth.
Shaikira Campbell
Year 7