General School Information

Thursday 1st March
Students are required to wear full school uniform!
School Jackets ($34.00) and caps ($12.50) are available to order from the School Office . Please see the ladies in the office to place your order or call 02 67790844.
It's Vegetable Week!
It's Vegetable Week and that means from 26th February to 2nd March, it's all about the humble veg. Did you know that 19 out of 20 Australian kids are not eating enough vegetables? The 2014-15 National Health Survey showed that while 68% of kids are eating the recommended amount of fruit every day, only 5.4% are eating enough vegetables. And - as you would probably know - telling kids to eat more vegies because they’re ‘healthy’, simply doesn’t work.
Read on to find out how we are helping to shine a light on the humble veg this week!
5 tips to get your kids eating more veg this week
Here's how you can ‘pledge to eat more veg’ as a family!
1. Set a goal to try a new vegetable each day - cauliflower, beans, capsicums, carrots, zucchini, sweet potatos and cabbage are all in season now
2. Include vegetables at snack time - carrot sticks, cucumbers or celery sticks with hummus make a great snack for kids
3. Add an extra serve of vegies to the dinner table each night
4. Get your kids to help with preparing dinner - if they help to cook it, they're more likely to eat it!
5. Talk about how vegies are grown, where they come from and how they get from the farm to the table
Arrival on time at School
Parents and carers are encouraged to ensure their children are arriving at school and class on time.
Please ensure that students don’t miss out on the important learning activities scheduled early in the day when the students are most alert, help the students learn the importance of punctuality and routine.
Give students time to greet their friends before class and therefore, reduces the opportunity for classroom disruption.
Lateness is recorded as partial absence and must be explained by parents or carers in the same way as other forms of absence.
If any child leaves before the scheduled ending time for school (3.20pm) or arrives late (after 8.55am – Secondary and 9.00am Primary) it is necessary to collect a late note or early departure pass from the Main office.
All students who are late to school MUST report to the Main office before going to class (if the bell has gone and students are in class, this constitutes late).
The office staff will enter the late arrival time and explanation into the electronic roll marking system. Students will be provided with a "slip" which must be handed to the class teacher.