Middle School

Middle School News

Year 9 Phillip Island Adventure Camp

This week Year 9 students participated in the interGREAT Camp at Phillip Island.  The trip provided many great experiences for the students to challenge themselves, develop relationships and work effectively in teams as they completed many different activities across the three days.  Thanks to Mylee James & Ella Weir for their recap of camp and some of the highlights from their experiences.

Phillip island adventure camp was a fun experience for us. We got to participate in different activities we had never done before, and had the chance to spend time and develop relationships with our friends and peers. We especially loved the surfing activity and the giant swing!

After completing these activities, we feel that our confidence has increased and that we are more willing to give things a go. We also loved being able to be in a cabin with our friends and having lots of fun. We now have stronger connections with many of the other students across Year 9 and understand how to work with one another successfully.



Year 10 Elevate Education Sessions

Last week Year 10 students participated in the first of their two Elevate Education sessions for 2019.  Engaging presenters worked with students to share with them ideas and strategies to motivate and set goals for 2019.  Feedback from both staff and students was very positive, with 96% of students stating they would recommend this session to their peers!  I look forward to students implementing some of these strategies taught throughout 2019.


General Reminders

It is fantastic to see a number of Year 10 students currently undertaking a VCE Unit 1 this semester.  As this is a privilege, we hope to see these students enjoying this opportunity and performing to the best of their abilities.

We would like to take this chance to remind students and parents that performing at a high standard in these VCE courses will be the deciding factor as to whether these students will have the chance to then undertake Units 3 & 4 in their chosen study next year.  Students must receive an overall grade of ‘B’ or higher to be guaranteed the opportunity to complete Units 3 & 4 next year.


Matt Tucker

Middle Sub School Leader