Principal's Chat

Student Success

A huge congratulations to  Isabelle Baker Mayer for reaching a milestone in her Scouting journey by earning the Joey Scout Promise Challenge.  Isabelle is a member of 2nd Werribee Joey Mob, attaining this award reflects initiative, self discipline, teamwork, leadership and sustained effort over a long period of time. Well done Isabelle we are very proud of you.

Thank you to all families who came last week for their child's learning conversation. It was fantastic seeing and hearing the student's share their learning with you.  A gentle reminder to those families who were unable to come last wee, to contact their child's teacher to organise a mutually convenient time.

Report Survey

What a wonderful response to our survey on school reports.  We have had a record 128 families complete the survey so far.  If you missed out on giving us feedback about our school reports click on this link: Feedback For School Reports.  We will keep the survey open for another week & will inform you of the results over the coming weeks.


Student safety is a priority for all at OLSC.  We understand that picking students up after school is not an easy task in Manor Lakes.  Please be aware that double parking & U Turns, in Academy Way are not permitted, traffic officers do spot checks and issue fines for offenders. When entering the pick up zone the car must be in a designated parking spot before students enter or leave the car. Our car park is one way traffic so even if you see a parking spot near the entrance you must drive around to access it. 

End of School Day

A reminder to all parents that the student's finish at 3.15pm each day. We have a few students who are still on site half an hour or more after the bell has gone.  Staff have meetings both on site & off site that they need to attend after school & supervising students who have not been picked up means they are late or miss their meeting altogether.  If you are unable to pick up your child by 3.45pm at the latest they should be enrolled at after school care.  Of course we know that there are odd occasions where parents get held up & notify the school of this fact, it is the students left here late on a daily basis we are concerned about.  

OLSC Community Mass

It was wonderful to have families join us for the OLSC Community Mass last Sunday.  Fr Albert at the end of mass thanked those who were there & encouraged them to spread the word.  We do have Parish land on our site for a church to be built, as a WyndhamVale Catholic Community we need to support our community masses and build up our numbers at these celebrations.  We have over 300 families at OLSC & had around 60 people at our community mass. Once our community mass numbers increase the dream for a church on our site will become more of a reality.

Out & About

Next week is a busy one for our staff & students.  Year 3 & Year 4 have their outdoor education days, our Year 5/6 are off to the MacKillop Centre in Melbourne, and Bishop Mark is visiting our Confirmation candidates on Friday. Make sure you have been on the parent portal and given the necessary permissions, we don't like leaving students behind!

Have a great week

