From the Presidents

Co-Presidents' Report

2020 Focus Goal: Personal Growth in an Atmosphere of Wise Freedom

The Alumnae Association Committee extends their concern and best wishes to all alumnae who are adversely affected by COVID-19. We all share this state of anxiety and uncertainty, the disruption to our usual activities and our lives in general.


We support the School in its response to COVID- 19 and at this stage, are postponing all Reunions scheduled until August. We will review this decision well before that time. This includes: the 1990 Class Reunion on 18 April and the 1950 and 1960 Class Reunions on 17 May.  The Annual General Meeting, Mass and High Tea on Sunday 17 May is also postponed until further notice.  We are taking this action in the interests of everybody’s health and wellbeing and the functioning of the School. We will provide as much notice as possible if Reunions past these dates need to be postponed.


The Association Committee is in the process of wrapping up the considerable work done in recent years to update our Constitution. We are also exploring and determining how we could adapt some of our committee practices to the new School Committee Charter designed to facilitate governance and procedures.  


Please continue to wrack your brains and search your filing cabinets for items for our Alumnae Association History Time-line, in recognition of our Centenary in October 2017. The Time-line will record significant events in the Association’s History, not the School History, per se. The sorts of items to be recorded would be first and/or last events, for example: Debutante Ball, Tennis Cup, Golf Cup, School Awards, Alumnae babies’ Consecrations to Mater, etc; and significant initiatives and changes to the Association. Please let  Melinda Adams know f you can contribute your memorabilia.


In Cor Unum


Kerry Bergin and Marianne Cassin