From the Foundation

Community Golf Day
This event has been postponed due to COVID-19.
A new date will be announced.
Foundation AGM
Tuesday 21 April 2020
Would you like to know a bit more about how the Foundation supports the School? You are welcome at our AGM. Clickherefor an Agenda and Notice of Meeting.
RSVP to Foundation
Kathleen McCarthy Bursary
We need your help.
The first Kathleen McCarthy bursary has been awarded to a worthy student commencing Year 7 studies in 2020. To perpetuate the award, further capital is required and you are invited to read
Brian’s personal letter here and make a tax deductible donation to facilitate this by completing our Appeal form here.
Cor Unum Walk Pavers - Order Now
The Cor Unum Walk, which creates a physical and distinctive welcome to our visitors and students, is seeing increased daily foot traffic from Burke Road and the carpark.
Through the purchase of a tax deductible engraved paver, the Walk provides an opportunity for us all to be part of these remarkable gardens into perpetuity. Contributions of our students, alumnae, School families and friends can be celebrated, and current and future students inspired for their own journeys of learning and life.
If you would like to be included in this historic addition to our remarkable gardens, please call 9835 2776, email or download an application form.
Orders submitted by 30 September 2020 will have their engraved brick included in the Walk during Term 4 2020. Orders are installed on an annual basis.
Securing our financial independence
The Foundation works together with the School Board to secure the long term financial independence of the School. Without the strong and active support of the School Family, we would not have the capacity to complete many of the major projects that will enhance the education of our girls.
Ultimately, the Foundation aims to provide Sacré Cœur with a secure level of financial independence, and assist families whose financial circumstances might preclude them from enrolling their daughters at Sacré Cœur.
All donations to the Sacré Cœur Foundation’s Building Fund or Scholarship Fund over $2 are tax deductible.
Please complete a donation form, phone the office on 9835 2776 or email. Donors are acknowledged annually, as requested, in the July edition of the Burke Road Bulletin.
Support or join our Sponsors
Thank you to all our sponsors for your generosity in sponsoring Sacré Cœur Community events. Your generous contributions help make these events a great success and are deeply appreciated. Please click here to support those who support us.