Parents & Friends Update

Parents & Friends Association 

Term 1 

The school staff-room was filled with the chatter of excited parents on the first Thursday of the term as Parents and Friends hosted a morning tea to welcome in the new school year.    


Term One will be busy for the team with catering three of our major school events; Swimming Carnival, Family Fun Night and Athletics Carnival.  There will also be the annual Easter Raffle and Hot Cross Bun orders later in the term.  


Movie Night was held at the Stadium Cinema in Leongatha on the 20th February.  This years' movie was "What Men Want".  There was lots of laughter and snorting from the audience. Big thank you to P&F for organising a special movie night for parents.


Meat Packs 

Many thanks to everyone who supported our MEAT Packs fundraiser. All of the packs sold out quickly and we raised over $1500.   This was a terrific fundraiser and huge thanks go to Louise & Paul Sherar for their generous donation.



A very big thank-you Debenham Live Stock Transport for kindly transporting the steers free of charge.



Loch Foodies will resume on the 22nd March coinciding with a quick meeting beforehand.  Venue will be confirmed at a later date.