Principal's Ponderings

Welcome to the 2019 school year.

We have started the year with a buzz of activity with our swimming program, carnival and District competition. Students have been involved in learning to learn activities with their teachers and class mates and have spent time setting up classroom processes and expectations.  Many thanks to all of our teachers who have been organised and well prepared ensuring a calm and smooth first few weeks and that everyone has been successful in their learning.    


A big welcome to all of our new students and their families and to our new staff.  We enjoyed a lovely 'Welcome Morning Tea' and spent time chatting with lots of new faces. Thanks to our wonderful P&F who hosted and provided a delicious morning tea.


Many thanks also to our parents who have worked with their children to ensure they are organised and prepared for learning each day. In particular arriving on time and being ready for lessons for a 9.00 am start is essential for all students.  Students who arrive late miss important information and instructions. Lessons start at 9.00am and teachers will all be starting each day with daily review of literacy and numeracy skills so it is essential students are present and ready to start the day.  


Healthy food options are also essential for  students to be able to learn effectively. Students are given opportunities to snack on brain foods during class times and are expected to bring appropriate food items for lunch and recess times.  A water bottle is also recommended. 


Our school uniform is predominantly navy blue with sky blue trim and logo.  Over the past few years we have phased in our new uniform items and now expect students to be wearing correct uniform items each day to school.  On the odd occasion when washing has not been completed or an item goes missing we understand that students may need to wear alternate uniform items however this should not be a regular occurrence.  It has been pleasing to observe the improvement in uniform over the last year.  If parents are not sure about uniform expectations please contact me. School Photos are scheduled for this coming Thursday 28th February.  Students are asked to be in correct uniform including predominantly black or white shoes ( no bright colours or laces), to be neat and tidy - hair brushed and teeth cleaned!   Family portraits are available. Please collect an order form from the office.


Last week teachers were involved in Professional Development with Claire Scott and are now implementing Spelling Mastery every morning.  This is a systematic and explicit program which takes 25 minutes each day and builds students knowledge and skills.  We will be offering parent sessions, both day time and evening, later this term to introduce parents to Spelling Mastery and Explicit Instruction. 


If you don't know your child's teacher come in and say hello and familiarise yourself with their classroom and have a chat.  Building open communication and a positive relationship with your child's teacher is important and parents are encouraged to be involved in school activities and have regular contact with teachers.  If you have any matters which need time for extended discussion, please book an appointment via the office.   

Our Family Fun Night is scheduled for Friday 1st March and this is an opportunity to join in the fun arranged by students as well as meet teachers and hear about classroom routines and programs. Parents will be given an opportunity to learn about our literacy approach and explicit instruction and invited to share ideas and suggestions for our school. It is a really important evening and all parents are invited and encouraged to attend.

Families will also be invited to attend Parent Teacher Conferences  on Tuesday 26th March and this is a more formal opportunity for feedback about student learning.  However please do not wait for these conferences, if you have any questions or concerns please contact your child's teacher.


Congratulations to all of our students who nominated for captain positions and gave outstanding speeches. Our school community followed our election processes and have presented the following students with their Captains Badges. 



Our Captains for 2019 are:

School Captains

Jessica McKenzie Ross

Koda Connell Rohde


Sports Captains

Blue House

Leilani Lightowler

James Barry

Purple House

Millie Holder Smith

Thomas Francis

Yellow House

Chloe Fildes

Gavin Monson


Enviro Captains

Jayson Kirkbride

Wilhelm Layton

Enviro Crew: Thomas Francis & Bryce Broadmore


Arts Captains

Ethan Collis

Thea Beasely


Resource Centre Captains

Sophie Cronin

Tim Martin



I am very proud of our Loch School community and one of the best things about our school is our supportive parents. I encourage you to be involved in your child's education and attend special events and activities as often as possible and know what is happening at school. I also encourage you to build your community network and supports by joining in with our Parents & Friends Association activities,  joining School Council, coming along to special family events and  helping to maintain our positive communication by being respectful, considerate and understanding.  We are a small community and everyone goes above and beyond to provide  wonderful learning experiences for our children.  We do however makes mistakes (never on purpose) and get tired! You may also not agree with some of the decisions which are made or processes we have in place.  I ask that you become an active member of our community and always look for the positives and when you do raise concerns, do so in a respectful and compassionate manner.  


The Annual General Meeting of School Council will be held soon on Monday 18th March. Please read the School Council page further on in our newsletter for details regarding nominations for the 2019 Loch School Council.


I would like to thank the parents who attend our first morning coffee and chat session last week.  We discussed our growing school, student behaviour and 'misbehaviour', assemblies, team teaching and our programs.  If you were not able to attend there will be further opportunities this year.  Please do pop in and see me at any stage if you have any ideas or suggestions.


We welcome three new instrumental teachers who will be offering lessons to Loch students this year: Leigh, Kerryn and Leona.  Students are able to choose from guitar, drums, piano or voice and parents are to contact these teachers directly to arrange lessons.  I hope that families take advantage of this opportunity. Details for each music teacher can be found further on in our newsletter.


Last week I attended a Principal training session on School Maintenance Planning.  Over the next few weeks I will be working on our five year plan which will focus on ensuring our school buildings and grounds are maintained and safe.


Our staff team are really looking forward to working with students and their families and enjoying a fabulous 2019.  

Tracey King
