Classroom News
Year Prep/1
The children have settled well into school. They should be congratulated on finishing their first week of school AND swimming. There will be little tired people this week as swimming comes to a conclusion.
We have been doing work in class on school rules and routines. We have made up a class set of rules for our grade. We are calling it “Our Code of Co-operation”:
· We will share.
· We will be helpful.
· We listen to each other.
· We use kind words.
· We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
· We use quiet voices.
· We will walk safely.
· We will respect each other’s property.
· We try our best.
Ask your child about The Zones of Regulation - How your emotions and body can feel...
BLUE ZONE low state of alertness, tired, sick, bored or sad. Running slow.
GREEN ZONE Ideal state of alertness which assists with learning, communication and appropriate interactions with family and friends. Calm, happy, focused, feeling okay, ready to learn and content. Ready to Go!
YELLOW ZONE Heightened state of alertness. Enters the yellow zone before progressing to the red zone. Stress, frustration, anxiety, silliness, nervousness, inattention and worry. Caution.
RED ZONE Extremely high state of alertness. Anger, rage, explosive behaviour, grief, terror and panic. Makes weak decisions and might choose to hit, push, kick, use mean words, be unable to rationalise and course disruption. Stop.
Check out this video that the children enjoyed watching!
Year 1/2
What a fantastic start to the year we’ve had. We have really enjoyed practising our swimming skills every day. The teachers have been so impressed by both the skills and behaviour of the students while at swimming. During class time we have been busy getting to know each other while also learning about what it takes to be a good learner. Together we also developed a code of cooperation for our classroom which everyone in the class signed using their fingerprint. We are looking forward to another week of swimming leading up to the swimming carnival on Friday.
Year 2/3
Welcome to the 2/3 room! This week we have been busy refreshing our understanding of the Play Is The Way Life Rafts as well as participating in regular play is the way games. The students have been participating well and learning how to work as a team. We have also discussed how we can be bucket fillers and we are learning more about each other through our thinking maps. We are looking forward to an enjoyable year together!!
Year 3/4
This gorgeous bunch are the grade 3/ 4's who are located in the Eagles Nest. Over the first few weeks at school we have been busily setting up our classroom, discussing expectations for behaviour and learning and finding out loads of wonderful facts about each of our classmates. We are all super excited and are looking forward to a year filled with learning, laughs and good times.
Year 4/5
Grade 4/5 have had a great start to the year. We have created a code of cooperation for the class, assigned class jobs and got to know each other better. Next week, we will be focusing on getting ready for the Family Fun Night and grade 5 students who wish to go for a leadership position within the school will have the opportunity to make a speech on Wednesday morning.
Year 5/6
Year 5-6 has a new home in the Brolga Portable. Great views, excellent air conditioning and a new interactive television made it easy to move from the Eagles Nest (which was home for Year 5-6 students for the last 17 years.) We have had a fantastic start to the year with enthusiastic students earning vast amounts of money in our earn and learn program. We have had a busy schedule with swimming, our potential leaders giving outstanding Captaincy Speeches and learning about children’s rights and responsibilities. We are currently working on activities for the Family Fun Night.
The fun doesn’t stop there. We have Urban Camp and Peer Mediation training coming up soon.