The Wonderful World of Year 7

Artwork by Marie Mercorillo, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Year 7 Reflection

By Riley Tyebji, Year 7, The Ridgeway Campus


Starting secondary school has been a huge learning curve so far, leaving my small primary school and my close friends behind, and coming to an entirely different school where the Year 7 grade is as big as my whole primary school. New teachers, new buildings, new routines, and new friends! I didn’t know anyone, and I was worried about making friends, getting good grades, and just surviving secondary school.


I believe all the students who entered the school on day 1 felt the same way. I had no idea what to expect. I walked into the School, my heart racing at 100kms per hour, expecting an every man for himself kind of environment. If only I knew I had nothing to worry about. Everyone at Ivanhoe Grammar School, from the staff to the students were all so welcoming. I was so surprised by how easy it was to make friends and navigate around the buildings. Straight away I connected with a few students, whom I now hang out with every day. My friends are super funny and friendly, so I get along with them perfectly!


At the beginning of each period, we start rushing from one class to the next, across the huge campus, hoping to make it on time to the next lesson. This is a big change from primary school. I get to study a lot of new subjects that I didn’t do in primary school like Food Tech, Drama, and Humanities. My personal favourite subjects are Maths, Science, and Languages (in which I chose Chinese). Studying isn’t a problem either. We only started getting homework after camp, which was in week 5. I believe this is a great idea because this allows everyone to get settled into their classes before getting homework. We even have leadership opportunities such as Global leaders and SRC. I couldn’t contain my excitement when I found out that I got voted as my class SRC (Student Representative Council), which means I can contribute to the school community in constructive and positive ways. 

The first few weeks at this amazing school have given me some unforgettable memories. It has been exciting, but also a little overwhelming. I know the years ahead at Ivanhoe Grammar School are going to be busy, fun, and challenging, but I can’t wait to see what the future holds. 

Artwork by Joel Catalonga, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Joel Catalonga, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus

Spotlight On 7A 

By Aidan Angarano, Year 7, The Ridgeway Campus


Starting secondary school can be a nerve-racking experience - new school, new teachers, and new friends. 


Although it has only been a few weeks, it feels like 7A have all connected as a mentor group and are comfortable around each other. We have recently prepared and presented speeches to the class about a fellow student. This allowed us to learn and gain confidence in front of each other.  


In our group, we have a whole range of students who are funny, clever, kind, sporty, and energetic. We are also very fortunate to have Mr. Scuruchi as our mentor leader. 


It’s been so much fun meeting and bonding with the students in 7A. We will learn and grow together as we go throughout the year seven journey together. By the end of 2022, I’m sure we will become the best mentor group in Year 7! 













Kayak Camp Reflection 

By Alexander Redlich, Year 7, The Ridgeway Campus


On Friday18 March the 2022 Kayak family camp took place, this camp was held a good two-hour drive from Melbourne, on the banks of the Goulbourn River, below Lake Eildon. The camp was open to past and present students, with several Old Ivanhoe Grammarians and skilled Year 10’s helping students and their families alike by coaching and acting as water safety for those unlucky kids who fell victim to the current, toppled into the cold water, and were swept downstream. 


There was a huge turnout for the camp with some 80 students, many with their parents and siblings. Students were given lots of different opportunities to try their skills in various situations on the water, whether it was white water rafting with their friends, trying their luck on the rapids in a kayak, or taking a leisurely paddle down the river. This camp was an excellent opportunity for students to connect with their friends and meet new people from other campuses. The camp was run by Mr. Gibbs who in addition to being a teacher at Ivanhoe has been running all kayaking activities for more than 25 years. Mr. Gibbs did a wonderful job setting this camp up and made everyone feel welcome. 

Artwork by Sam Wyatt, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Sam Wyatt, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus

Also in attendance was Mr Draper an ex-Olympian in slalom kayaking and a Ninja Warrior star! We were well fed, and all kids were kept entertained by an easter egg hunt and a high-class movie screening of ‘Over the Hedge.’  


In short, this camp was a very enjoyable experience and after getting involved in this and some other extracurriculars I would like to recommend to any Year 7’s reading this to get into as many extra fun events as possible as the earlier you start the easier it is to master any skill, also it is a great way to make new friends!