Ridgeway Prefect Profiles Continued...

Artwork by Hollie Kerwood, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Charities and Service Prefects

Chloe Nightingale

Hey everyone! My name is Chloe and I am one of the Charities and Service Prefects, alongside Matt, for 2022. As leaders of charities, we get to work with many organisations as well as run the IDEALS Committee here at Ivanhoe. I am very excited to work with the School and many of the other prefects to help grow and maintain our involvement with local and broader charities. Here at school I really enjoy taking part in the Art and Music programs like the musical and Raise the Curtain. Outside of school, I love to play sports, such as basketball and snowboarding in the winter. My hopes for this year are to raise more awareness about charities and to get more people engaged in the School's initiatives. We work with some amazing organisations, such as Big Group Hug and 300 Blankets, which both offer great opportunities to get involved and help out the community. All of which I strongly encourage everyone to join in on, they are amazing experiences!

Artwork by Catherine Marty, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Catherine Marty, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

International Prefects

George Zhao

Hello, I am George, one of your new International Student Prefects for 2022. I am honoured to hold my position and I will keep improving myself to help maintain a friendly and inclusive environment in our school. We really welcome and encourage student contact and involvement from any year level in any of our initiatives at any time. We very much value student input and ideas and welcome students to become members of the International Students Council. In the International Students Council, we celebrate multiculturalism at Ivanhoe, building bridges of friendship, and planning for the International Assembly which I see as a precious opportunity to build intercultural understanding while creating enjoyment. Thank you.


Leia Casci

Hi, my name’s Leia and I’m a new International Student Prefect for 2022. The NAIS Prefect team works closely with the International Student Council and International Centre to promote celebrations of culture and diversity within the School – recently, this has included Lunar New Year celebrations and dumpling days, and we have many more events planned this year! When I have free time, I like to bake and hang out with my cat (his name is Cotton!). Feel free to contact me or any of the NAIS prefects if you’re interested in getting involved in international culture at school, or just to talk. 


Wider School Community Prefects

Avjay Bhar

Hi, I’m Avjay, one of your three Wider School Community Prefects for 2022. Along with Amity and Michela, we’re honoured to continue our past prefects’ work in keeping our school connected with its alumni and students.

I’ve been heavily involved with inter-year programs at Ivanhoe, such as debating, theatre and coaching, and every year, I am amazed at how special the friendships between students who might not otherwise interact, become.  

We know that previous lockdowns got in the way of keeping in touch with peers, and in looking for opportunities outside of school – that’s why in 2022, our team is aiming to reconnect our Junior, Middle, and Senior Years students and strengthen our involvement with Ivanhoe alumni. Through cross-year mentorships such as student tutoring, and alumni 'open days' where students can hear from university students what life beyond school is like, we hope that students can feel supported by their peers, prefects, and staff in whatever activities they undertake.

The Wider School team is always open to new ways to involve students with the school community, so please feel free to say hi if you see us around, or contact us with your ideas.

Looking forward to a great 2022!


Amity Stojanoski

Hi I’m Amity, and I’m one of the Wider School Community Prefects for 2022. I’m looking forward to being back on campus this year and getting back to all the co-curricular and sporting events. Some of the goals I want to accomplish this year alongside Avjay, and Michaela include fostering a supportive environment in Middle Years, encouraging the younger year levels to be able to make an impact on the school, as well as utilising our alumni resources to help facilitate selection of university/career choices. Looking forward to the rest of the year.


Michaela Rodas

Hey, I’m Michaela and I’m a Wider School Community Prefect, working alongside Amity and Avjay. Our focus is to work closely with Middle Years, Buckley House and alumni to help build the school community by involving them within Senior Years activities. We are hopeful to bring back some alumni to talk about their university experience to help out the Senior Years students with the difficult decisions regarding what university courses we are hopeful of doing in the upcoming years. We are also working with Middle Years to help build their leadership skills and also encourage them to join committees and clubs such as IDEALS which would be great if there could be some more Middle Years representation.

Artwork by Oscar Corlett, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Oscar Corlett, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Arts Prefects

Christian Arnel

Hey! I’m Christian Arnel and alongside Lara Myles, I’m a part of the Arts Prefect portfolio. Coming out of a very frenzied two years, coupled with a lack of opportunities in the arts, I’m so excited to help bring more opportunities to the arts. We’re already in talks with the arts departments making plans for not only this year but also the changes and new opportunities which will be implemented in the years to come! As probably indicative by my prefect portfolio, I love all things arts. Performance, both musical and theatrical, is my passion; you’ll always find me down at Locksley working on something. If you ever have any questions regarding the arts at Ivanhoe (or even just about school in general) I’m always a text or call away!


Lara Myles

Hi I’m Lara, one of your 2022 Arts Prefects! This year myself and Christian are hoping to work side by side to create some fantastic, collaborative experiences within the arts and Ivanhoe. I have been involved in both music and the visual arts since I came to Ivanhoe in Year 9 (when I moved to Australia from the UK) and have found it an incredible environment for creating not only works but also great friendships with both peers and the staff down at Locksley. 



Artwork by Chloe Gayfer, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Chloe Gayfer, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Senior Years Prefects

Paddy Noonan

I’m Paddy, one of the three 2022 Senior Years Prefects. I am currently in my final year of IB at Ivanhoe and I am thoroughly enjoying the year. My role as a prefect is to organise events and initiatives involving the older year levels at the school. When I’m not procrastinating overdue tasks, I am playing golf, dominating the family Catan table (a board game), or relaxing, often doing the later a little too much. I’m still unsure of what I want to do career-wise, but property, law, and media interest me the most. I hope everyone has a fulfilling year, and good luck to those in their final year at the school.


Rebekah Konstantopoulos

I am Rebekah Konstantopoulos, one of the Senior Years Prefects for 2022. I am excited and humbled to be part of the Prefect team. I am committed to participation and an equal voice for all, promoting an inclusive school environment. I love being involved in extracurricular activities the school has to offer, especially sport. I am the Captain of First’s Volleyball team, and I also play netball for the First’s team during the winter season.


Part of my role is to assist in the creation of the Year 12 Formal Video and organise the Year 12 Jumpers. Alongside that, we work together with Mr Peat in helping with Student Futures and life after school. Regardless of everyone’s prefect portfolio, all prefects work together in promoting mateship and unity amongst students and teachers enabling positive change, inclusiveness and continuous improvement.


Paul Kantzipas

Hi everyone, my name is Paul Kantzipas and I am one of the three Senior Years Prefects. As a prefect, I hope to cooperate with the other leaders to create a more inclusive and safe environment at Ivanhoe. At school, I like design and chemistry. I wish to pursue these career paths in the future. Outside of school, I enjoy playing soccer and completing the daily Wordle! I support the mighty North Melbourne Kangaroos and the champions of Europe, Chelsea, in soccer.


Sports Prefects

Anthony Boussounis

Hi, my name is Anthony and I am a 2022 Sports Prefect as well as being the Swim Captain of the Boys' team. Having been given the role of Sport Captain is a great opportunity and will benefit our sporting community. My background in sport is swimming at a national level at Surrey Park Swimming Club and playing in our Firsts' Volleyball team at Ivanhoe. I love sports and enjoy watching Collingwood in the AFL and Liverpool in the Premier League. Sport is a big part of my life and I am honoured to be the Sports Captain of the mighty Ivanhoe!


Katelyn Shadbolt

Hi, I’m Katelyn and I am the Sports Prefect at Ivanhoe, I am looking forward to developing the Sports program at Ivanhoe as well as having the privilege to use the new Sports and Aquatic Centre. But here are a few things about me. Of course, I am really interested in sport. I play in the First' Softball team for Ivanhoe, I used to play hockey and I am a part of the Ivanhoe Aerobic team as well, outside of school I also play cricket. On the weekends I love to walk my dog and spend time with my friends.