Ridgeway Prefect 


Artwork by Jay Li, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

The Ridgeway Campus Prefect Profiles

Athelstane House Prefects

Tom Mileto

Hi all – My name’s Tom. This year I have the privilege of being Athlestane’s House Prefect. I was super keen to fulfil this role from when I first started at Ivanhoe in Year 7, and throughout multiple COVID-19 lockdowns my passion for bringing people together, and enthusiasm for the School's House program only increased. As well as this, I am also one of our Schools Firsts Cricket Team Captains, of which I have been a member since Year 8. In both roles, my leadership style is helping everyone to have an enjoyable and upbeat experience while infusing my passion for winning. On a more personal level, I am someone who enjoys challenging myself – whether that be fitness-based, or academically. I love to meet new people and am very approachable so please, to anyone reading this – feel free to have a chat.


Thanks all and go Athlestane!


 Rosie Pettenon

Hi! My name is Rosie and I am one of Athelstane’s Prefects. I am loving being House Captain so far, swimming was a great success and it was amazing to see everyone come together. Tom and I aim for the Athletics Carnival to go just as well, and for some new exciting Music and Arts House events starting soon.

I am a very keen artist and so love spending time at ArtsEdge at Locksley. This is something I would love to study after school and hopefully pursue in the future. I also love sport and being active, as well as spending time with friends and family. 

Very excited for the year ahead!

Artwork by Caitlin Shaw, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Caitlin Shaw, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Lincoln House Prefects

Mia Giannopoulos

My name is Mia Giannopoulos and I am one of the Lincoln House Prefects for 2022. I am super excited to immerse myself in the role, with my partner Luke Brunton and the rest of the students and teachers within my house. This year, my main aim is to reinforce the camaraderie that Lincoln House has always had and to strengthen the bonds everyone within Lincoln has with one another. I have grown to appreciate the relationships I formed from being involved in house sports and other house events throughout the year and hope to create the same experience for other upcoming students within Lincoln. All the best, and up the gracious green!


Luke Brunton

My name is Luke Brunton and I am a Lincoln House Prefect alongside Mia Giannopoulos. This year I am looking forward to working with Mia and other leaders and mentors to help continue to build a healthy and fun House school environment. I myself have played a lot of sports and firmly believe that such environments generate personal and team success.

A bit about me, I’m into sports, at school I play touch rugby and hockey. And outside of school I play hockey and football. I am really excited for this year as it looks like most of the co-curricular activities will return after being cancelled due to Covid-19.

Artwork by Angus Dalgleish, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Angus Dalgleish, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Sherwood House Prefects

Lucy Schaefer

Hi there! My name is Lucy Schaefer, and I am the Sherwood House Prefect for 2022. I have been at Ivanhoe since Year 4, previously living overseas in Singapore. As this year’s House Prefect, I aim to create an environment that commends an academic lifestyle, performing and visual arts, as well as sport. I want to encourage all students to participate in an array of activities, and to take on the opportunities that the School provides. I am not just a House Prefect but also the Theatre Captain alongside Gus Woodward. With that being said, I am passionate about singing, dancing, and acting. Opposing this, I truly enjoy playing sport (especially footy) and keeping up with the AFL. 


Thoresby House Prefects

Paris Nifakos

I have been lucky enough to be chosen to represent my House, Thoresby, as House Prefect this year. Something I would love to achieve in my role is inclusivity, ultimately making relationships with others from different year levels and getting everyone involved in fun activities at school. This has driven my motivation to try and be my best to make our House one of the best! A little bit about myself…some of my favourite things to do include dancing, spending time with family and friends and something cool about myself that not everyone knows is that I’m a twin.


Mia Grant

Hi! My name is Mia Grant, and I am a Thoresby House Prefect. I love the sports House Carnivals and look forward to some friendly competition this year! I have been at Ivanhoe Grammar School since ELC4 and am excited to finish my school life on a high beside my friends! I am a passionate sports fan and love watching the AFL, NRL, Tennis, and Cricket. I also love playing sports and am proud to play in the School’s Firsts' Softball Team. 


Global Engagement Prefects

Ella Ray

Hello! My name is Ella Ray, and I am one of the Global Engagement Prefects for 2022. All throughout my life, I have been an avid reader, which sparked my interest in global issues at a very young age. I am also a musician and love to write! My key goal as a prefect this year is to provide the means for students to articulate their ideas regarding global engagement, which will prompt constructive and positive change within our school community. I also wish to spark further interest in world affairs among the student body, particularly through a historical lens. I look forward to meeting lots of you throughout the year!


 Angus McCreadie

Hi, I am Angus McCreadie and I am part of the Global Engagement Prefect portfolio alongside Eva Rodgers and Ella Ray. We have a lot of exciting things planned for the rest of the year and had a successful start to the term with a focus on gender equality. A bit about me: I love musical theatre, art, hanging out with my friends and helping others. I also love playing sports. Our portfolio hopes to help educate the students through a range of activities along the themes of gender equality, indigenous justice, and climate change/environmental issues. If you are also passionate about these issues, we would love to see you at the IDEALS committee which runs every week 1 Monday lunch in K103. Everyone is welcome!


Eva Rogers

Hi, I’m Eva, one of the Global Engagement Prefects for 2022. This year I am looking forward to working towards our goals for each term which include spreading awareness, having meaningful discussions, and creating solutions for gender inequality, climate change, and increasing Indigenous justice within the School. I am passionate about sustainability and creating a more ethical world that supports global progress!

Artwork by Cora Liparota, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Cora Liparota, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Health and Wellbeing Prefects

Ben Kasjan

I’m Ben and I’m one of our Wellbeing and Health Prefects at Ivanhoe. I’m currently studying IB in Year 12 and I really enjoy my subjects and the smaller classes and community that you get in the course. I also really like basketball and I am a big fan of music, being involved with both of these at school. My prefect role involves many smaller ongoing projects around the School that can hopefully allow students to better their individual wellbeing, gain more awareness about issues, and improve the culture of wellbeing around the School.


Emme Babidge

I’m Emme Babidge, one of the Health and Wellbeing Prefects for 2022. This year I’m really hoping to use my leadership position to prioritise action regarding mental health. I think post-covid, many students are struggling with various mental health issues, and are incredibly vulnerable at the moment. The School definitely has access to some invaluable resources that can help counter these issues, and I guess my goal this year is to tap into those resources, and maximise their output. In terms of my personal connection to this prefect position – I would say I’ve always been passionate about mental health, and that probably comes from my personal experience with it, as well as the experience of those who are close to me. I also think I’ve always viewed the mental health sector as an area in dire need of more attention, and I really hope we can take charge of the schools response to mental health, and make some meaningful change this year.