Plenty Prefect Profiles

Artwork by Paul Kantzipas, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus

Plenty Campus Prefect Profiles

Luciano Mercuri

Hi, my name is Luciano Mercuri I will be one of your Plenty Campus Prefects for 2022, representing the Primary School. I am so proud and excited to be representing you, the student body and the School for the next year. 


I have been proudly attending Ivanhoe since Prep. In my twelve years at the School, I have been involved in many co-curricular activities, such as musicals,  choir, debating, and athletics. In my spare time, I enjoy playing basketball with my mates, naming our team the 'Bricklayers' and also listening to music such as Childish Gambino and hits from the 70s and 80s. An interesting fact about myself is that I was born and raised in Cobram Victoria. 


Throughout my final year at Ivanhoe Grammar School, I hope to be someone who people are happy to talk to about their concerns, and also help my fellow peers return back to school after the troubles of the past years.  


Sasha Braybrooke

As a leader, and as one of the Prefects of 2022 for Student Voice this year, I have lots of big ideas in mind! 


In 2022, I hope to increase all aspects of inclusion and diversity across the School through various clubs and the general promotion of a safe environment for everybody. This can range but is not limited to that of Diversity Club, G.S.A., and more still to come. I hope that anyone who sees me in the yard, or who has any suggestions to make the School a more enjoyable safe space for everyone, feels comfortable approaching me. 


I also hope that in a similar fashion, together as a school we can extend that respect through to other groups including uplifting and supporting women, protecting the environment, and any others who remain in some way disadvantaged. 

In terms of myself personally – I enjoy reading, art, going to the gym, and on long walks.

Hope to see you all around!

Artwork by Jay Li, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Jay Li, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Kavin Akilan

My name is Kavin Akilan, and I am one of your 2022 Plenty Prefects. Alongside the other prefects and students of Year 12, we hope to continue to make school exciting and enjoyable for all our peers! 


But more about me first. I am an avid lover of books and public speaking, participating in the school's Model United Nations, and debating programs. Music also makes up a large part of my life, particularly playing the piano and participating in the school’s orchestra. 


In any other spare time, I have a love for photography and videography! As part of the Student Voice portfolio, we are planning on introducing more initiatives that promote inclusivity and allow people of all ages to bond with similar people. Personally, I’m hoping to get a photography competition running to meet some of the younger media talent and see some intense competition! But that is not it. Your contributions are the most important.


Whatever you have in mind, please feel free to come see me or any of the other prefects and I am sure we can make it happen. 


Hope to see everyone around! 😊

Artwork by Kate Farrugia, Year 10, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Kate Farrugia, Year 10, The Ridgeway Campus

Tisya Dwivedi

I’m Tisya Dwivedi - one of your Prefects this year! Having come to Ivanhoe in Year 6, 2017, I have always tried to involve myself in all aspects of school, whether it be academic or extracurricular. I have been part of the backstage crew for musicals and I am currently a Sergeant in the Cadet Unit.


I love public speaking and have been involved in debating and Model United Nations over the years among other things. Having been elected the Senior Years Prefect Portfolio, I’d like to work closely with Year 10s, Year 11s and other Year 12s to encourage an inclusive and healthy environment within these year levels. 


Hoping to personally work with each of the year levels to really make the most of the position, to promote good study habits preparing them for VCE along with managing a healthy study and life balance. Not just academics but I hope to help out with the Senior Years’ events such as Fringe Week, Year 11 and Year 12 Mystery Night and Formal too! If you ever have any questions or ideas, you want to put across, please do!! 


Your contributions are of utmost importance especially since we are hoping to represent the student voice. Hopefully, this year is an excellent and memorable one for all.


Looking forward to seeing you all around.


Kiaara Latimer

Hi! My name is Kiaara, and I am lucky enough to be one of your Prefects for 2022. Throughout the year, I will be working alongside other students, particularly the IDEALS Committee, to initiate and strengthen some amazing initiatives in our community, both within and beyond the school grounds. The project I’m most excited to work on is 'R U OK at Plenty Campus', where I’ll be working with a group of students and teachers to introduce safe discussion spaces, mental health resources and an R U OK leadership program into our daily school life, as well as an annual recognition of R U OK Day. 


I’m looking forward to seeing all of you take part in this great initiative and many more - feel free to enquire if you have any questions! 


Tapu Nicol

Hi, my name is Tapu and I am one of your Prefects for 2022. More specifically I, alongside Luciano, am the Primary Prefect. This means that I mainly work with the Primary School and help build upon the connection of the Primary School and the Secondary School. I’ve been at Ivanhoe since Year 7 and have loved all the opportunities I have had over the years. 


From playing Saturday sport to being in the school musical, I have made countless memories. I am a bit of a sport fanatic and love to spend my weekends watching NRL, Netball, AFL, anything that’s on really. I am a pretty easy-going person and enjoy spending time with my friends and family just relaxing. 


I’m looking forward to this year and hope that I can help contribute to it being the best year yet.  

Artwork by Lavinia De Fazio, Year 10, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Lavinia De Fazio, Year 10, The Ridgeway Campus

Sienna Figgins

Hi, I’m Sienna Figgins. I’m the middle child of three girls, a year between us all. But in no way do I feel like a middle child. I own my space and I’m uniquely ME. Our house is a mix of FUN, crazy competitiveness, challenges, healthy food, sport, study seriousness, spontaneity, YOLO, equestrian horses, vineyard work and ‘let-your-hair-down’ moments. My family and our upbringing has allowed me to be RESILIENT, passionate, patient, approachable, calm (& hectic), kind and most of all CONNECTED.


Being an Ivanhoe Grammar School Prefect means responsibilities, courage and challenges to me. It is a great honour and one filled with responsibility. In this role I would like to try my best to create a united community, to create a greater bond of connectedness, and to demonstrate the importance of being optimistic in both living and studying. I hope I can influence Ivanhoe Grammar School in the ways of confidence and kindness, and further develop these elements within our community. 


Alongside the other Prefects, as well as the School Captains we are currently in the development process for many new ideas, and I hope the students, staff and parents will be excited to see these ideas. I have utmost faith that we can make a difference. Maybe only a small difference in the grander scale of the world, but you need to start somewhere!