Health and Wellbeing 

at Ivanhoe

Artwork by Zoe Sofronoff, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus

  • Health and wellbeing 


How to Get Organised at School

By Philomena Spicer, Year 10, Plenty Campus


Whether you’re just getting started in Year 7, or currently taking part in VCE, the ever-piling stack of homework tasks and assignments is daunting. It will seem like there are not enough hours in the week or even enough time in your life to ever finish the work. 

The first step to combatting this is to not think about how much work there is but to instead focus on each task based on urgency and difficulty. It can be helpful to use the school diary or whatever planner you find that works for you in order to be able to know which tasks should be completed first. 


Sometimes we put the hard work off. We see a large essay or a long list of textbook questions and decide that it can be done later when future us decides we’re ready. However, the most difficult tasks are so much more rewarding when you tackle them early. Maybe if you give them a go, you might surprise yourself. Nonetheless, if it does turn out you estimated your own abilities correctly, there will always be an amazingly large support network to draw help from. Ranging from lunchtime Help clubs to helpful teachers in classrooms, there will always be someone at school who is able to answer your questions or help out in a meaningful way. 


The main takeaway is not to feel bad about thinking you're out of your depth (because everybody at some point does) but try to recognise the problem and find a solution. Just by actively seeking help or writing to-do lists in your diary, you become a proactive person and a better learner.