Around the Senior School

History  |   University Pathways  |  English

Year 7 History

Year 7 History students research the worlds oldest under water city - Pavlo Petrie in Greece. This investigation supports their work on Archaeology and History. 

Year 12 

Year 12 students had the opportunity to investigate University pathways with a visit from a range of NSW tertiary institutions who are keen to have our students consider their courses.

Year 9 English

Year 9 were in, ‘hook, line and sinker.’


Creating a ‘hooking’ headline and intro for your feature article was one of the many messages delivered by author and experienced journalist Sophie Hansen to her Year 9 English audience.  And deliver she did.  The Year 9’s were enamoured with Sophie’s relevant experience about her 25 career as a journalist.  Her expertise on the subject was very evident and it engendered excellent questions from the student audience who felt equipped to head off and write their own feature articles, based around Anh Do’s experiences in ‘The Happiest Refugee’.  


It is wonderful when a member of the community is able to share with students experiences and skills from the real world, that can inspire students to take the relevance into their own work.  Sophie was able to connect students to their own observations of world issues and events, and empowered in each of them, that their own voice is relevant and of value and can be expressed and shared in their English assessment.


The English Faculty and Year 9 students were very appreciative of Sophie’s willingness and time to share her experiences with us.

Year 8 Visual Arts

From Mr Orme-Smith


Pop Art continues to be a relevant and applicable art movement some 60 years after it started. Year 8 students are learning all about its origins and why its founding concepts are still important today. Consumerism, consumption, mass production and the power of advertising on the one hand are tempered by the sense of fun, vibrancy and enjoyment of life on the other. Certainly our lovely students have seemed to enjoy the printmaking process. It starts with selecting a favourite food packaging, then rendering the image in Photoshop to make it suitable for transferring to lino for carving. Once carved it is rolled with ink and printed onto a screen-printed background.


The practical skills developed in this task add to the students’ competency to proceed with Visual Arts all the way to the HSC. Likewise, the critical thinking and visual literacy developed through understanding the concepts op Pop Art further their contextual understanding of society. I look forward to seeing the finished products!