From the Chaplain 

Rev. Dr Rosalie Clarke

Greetings to all

This Lent I am reminded to take time to be reflective. So often life takes over and we rush from one thing to another without making time to stop, reflect and examine what it is we are really feeling and thinking in response to the daily demands.


It is easy to operate on auto-pilot and while this is necessary for much of the time, it is equally necessary to take time to consciously reflect.


One of my favourite types of prayers is the Ignatian Examen which Ignatius of Loyola suggested in the 16th century. At the end of each day do the following:

  1. Give thanks 
    Spend a few moments in gratitude for the gifts and blessings of the day.
  2. Ask for light
    Ask God to enlighten you, showing where he has been at work and present in your day through events, people and places.
  3. Examine the day
    Review the moments of the day, noticing what has led to feelings of well-being and what has led to responses of dryness and irritation. Consider what were your reactions to these events, people and places.
  4. Seek forgiveness
    Ask God's forgiveness for the times when you have acted, spoken or thought contrary to God’s grace and calling for you.
  5. Resolve to change
    Decide what in your behaviour or attitude you will try to improve tomorrow.

It need only take a few minutes and it leads to life with God that is integrated and gracious.

Keeping our Kinross Wolaroi community in my prayers,

