Principal's Report

Dear Families,


The weeks are passing by quickly and our students and staff have achieved great things in the last few weeks. From wins at our House Athletics to our students achieving recognition at assembly for their academic focus and demonstration of our school values. It is a joy to witness the ways in which our students and staff work together to achieve great outcomes.


Thank-you to Ms Keenan for her leadership and organisation of the House Athletics for our year 3-6 students last Friday, held at Boardman’s Reserve. It was wonderful to get out there and see our children competing and having fun. Thank-you to parents/carers who came to watch and offer their support – your efforts are noticed and greatly appreciated by our staff and students. 



We have just received our 4th delivery of Rapid Antigen Tests this morning and these are now available from our front office for parents/carers to collect. Any uncollected tests will be sent home from Tuesday 22nd of March. We ask that these tests continue to be undertaken each week, on two mornings before school. 


If a positive result occurs, then students are required to contact the office and isolate for seven days. A friendly reminder that learning can now continue from home as our teachers are providing work packs to students via seesaw or if required, please contact the office and we will provide a hard copy for parents/carers to collect.


Masks continue to be worn by all staff and students in year 3-6 while inside buildings as a preventative Covid safety measure. I appreciate everyone’s efforts with mask wearing to keep us safe.




Our 40th Birthday Celebrations will go ahead over two evenings due to the upgrade of our school oval and limited access to space. The celebrations will be held on Wednesday 6th April and Thursday 7th of April. Please look out for full details on our socials.



Our first School Council meeting with our newly elected representatives will take place on Monday 28th of March 2022 at 6:30pm on our school site. The meeting will occur in Building B, our Library space. I look forward to meeting and working with all our wonderful parent and staff elected representatives.



In line with DET requirements we will continue to hold our assemblies via WebEx with the smallest possible numbers in the gym and invite our parent/carer community to join us via WebEx. Please see details of how to join on Compass and remember to MUTE yourself and switch your camera OFF so that we can have the best band width.


Thank-you to all in our community for your continued patience and understanding regarding DET requirements for when entering our buildings. DET requirements include the wearing of face masks and social distancing.




I am pleased to share that we have set dates and times for our 2023 Prep Information sessions and tours. This year we will begin to hold our prep information sessions and tours from Term 2. Please see below dates for our upcoming tours and information sessions for all parents/carers and their children who are starting Prep in 2023.


Prep Information Sessions and Tour Dates:

Tuesday 3/5 - 9:30am

Thursday 19/5 - 6:30pm

Tuesday 24/5- 9:30am

Thursday 9/5 – 6:30pm


Please share these dates with friends and family who have children who are starting prep in 2023.


Currently our community is in COVID recovery from the last 2 years working remotely, then going into stop start working remotely and then finally coming back onsite. Our state government is committed to putting in place measures that keeps our students onsite and learning face to face. In line with this we are preparing to open in Term 2 to have Parent Helpers in classrooms supporting our students. Please look out for more details regarding Parent Helpers in classrooms in the next week. There will be an induction time for all parent helpers. In line with DET guidelines all parent helpers will need to show evidence of their vaccination status and working with children check.



On Wednesday I met with Modus Builders in preparation for the start of our works on our school oval. Next Tuesday 22nd of March we will have workers on our site to take a soil report for surface preparations before our works begin.

The temporary fences will be erected on Monday 4th April 2022 in readiness for the oval works to begin. The timeline shared with me for the works is a 7-8 week turn around with a projected finish date of May 24th.



It is so important for everyone to keep up to date with communications from our school. Compass newsfeeds and posts helps us to stay connected as does our newsletter and Facebook Page. Please refer to our communication platforms to stay up to date with events at our school.



A friendly reminder to all our parents and carers to please complete and return to school the student enrolment information update forms. Returning these forms promptly ensures our school is up to date with all our student contact details and other information that assists us to support students. 



A friendly reminder that all our students are required to wear their full school uniform every day. Kismet Park Primary School uniforms are available from PSW (Primary School Wear). With the winter months fast approaching it is a good idea to ensure children have school jackets/jumpers to avoid students attending school in hoodies. For further information please look at the Primary School Wear website




We all want our students to get the best education possible, and the beginnings of a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day.


Coming to school every day helps children to develop important skills, knowledge and values which set them up for further learning and participation in our community. Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives.


Missing school can have a major impact on a child’s future. There is no safe number of days for missing school. Every Day Counts. Each day a student misses puts them behind and can affect their educational outcomes. 


The return to onsite learning is now an opportunity for children to re-establish good habits and continue to practise these habits.


 I thank all our parents/carers for their support regarding this matter.


Warmest Regards,

Kathy Cvitkovic

Acting Principal

‘Building the foundations for success and happiness’.