Sports Update

On the 29th of March, GSC travelled to Melton to participate in our awesome athletics carnival! 


It was amazing to see everyone smashing out events in their house colours, and even better to see fellow year 12s in their costumes enjoying their last year! 


Fantastic effort by Barcham house, coming out on top with 1,734 points! Awesome job to everyone who participated and good luck to everyone next year! 


Here’s our list of champs:

1 - Barcham - 1734

2 - MacDonald - 1454

3 - Cherry - 1338

4 - Bishop-1332

5 - Dixon-1192

6 - Ross-Watt-1190

7 - Wurundjeri-1124

8 - Bennett-1026


Emily O'Meara

School Sports Captain



Intermediate and Senior Volleyball


On Friday March 25th Gisborne Secondary College took on the other zone schools in Intermediate and Senior Male and Female Volleyball. There was some fierce competition and GSC won a number of their matches. Unfortunately with a tight fixture, none of the teams advanced to the final but all teams had a fun day out and represented the College brilliantly. Both Mrs Bishop and Mr Barclay were so impressed with the talent, resilience and respect demonstrated by the students. 


Mrs Bishop and Mr Barclay are intending to continue volleyball training throughout the year to really develop our Senior and Intermediates teams for next year, so please keep an eye out for those training sessions. We will be back and better than ever for 2023!