Principal's Report

Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders  


Upcoming Events

Friday 4th March -Year 5/6 Interschool Sport - Lawn Bowls 

Tuesday 15th - Friday 18th March - 3/4 Swimming Lessons

Wednesday 16 March – Anti-bullying Day

Friday 25th March – School Photo Day

Friday 25th March – Ride to School Day

Friday 25th March – Year 5/6 Interschool Sport - Tennis


Rapid Antigen Tests

Free rapid antigen tests are available for all students in Victorian schools for the first Term 2022. Rapid antigen testing will be voluntary for all primary students and staff. It is recommended by the Department of Education that rapid antigen testing is done twice weekly, on school days. If you have not picked up your second box of RATs from the school, please visit reception.

Students will do the tests at home. Parents must report positive tests results through the Department of Health system, phone 1800 675 398. Parents must also notify the school of any positive results; this is so the school can support families, record that student’s will be absent while in 7-day isolation, and let the rest of the school community know there has been a positive case onsite and that they should monitor for symptoms.

Families with students who return a positive test result from a rapid antigen test should follow the latest advice at



Just a friendly reminder that all children who are travelling to school via bike or scooter are required by law to wear a helmet. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated. 


SLC (Student Leadership Council) & House Leaders

I am really proud to announce and congratulate our ETRS Leaders.

School Leaders:

Molly R

Sophie Mc

Jesse M

Aaliyah V

House Leaders:

Burnanga Blue:  Mia S and Kiera G

Barra Yellow:  Pryce Mc and Tilly B

Djarring Red:  Jett A and Mayah B 

Gurburr Green: Jayden P and Alanna Mc


Campaspe Swimming Carnival

ETRS finished 3rd overall at the Campaspe Swimming Carnival. Congratulations to all students involved. The following students received ribbons on the day.

Heath C – 1st Freestyle and 1st Breaststroke

Claire N – 2nd Freestyle and 3rd Breaststroke

Molly R – 2nd Freestyle and 2nd Breaststroke

Ace R – 3rd Freestyle

Finley C – 3rd Freestyle

Pryce Mc – 3rd Breaststroke

Josie P – 2nd Breaststroke

Eli D – 2nd Breaststroke

Sophie Mc – 3rd Breaststroke

Georgie E – 2nd Breaststroke

Henry M – 3rd Breaststroke

Jayden P – 3rd Backstroke


School Council Elections

Last call for parent nominations for School Council in 2022.

If you would like to contribute to the school by being a member of the council, please collect a nomination form from the office. 

Our AGM for 2022 will be held at 6:00 pm on Monday 28 March, everyone is welcome to attend.


School Council meetings will be held on the fourth (or third occasionally) Monday of the month this year. 


Anti-Bullying / Wear Blue activity day Wednesday 16 March 

Stay tuned for details on the events for this day. 


Annual Implementation Plan 2022

The school’s plan for 2022, outlining goals, key improvement strategies, personal, budget, professional learning and self-assessment along the way is available for you to view on the school’s website. 


Respect, Inclusion, Resilience, Responsibility (Academic Excellence) 


Enjoy the weekend!


Julie Hommelhoff                  Matt Saunders

Acting Principal                     Assistant Principal