Social Media
Facebook Posts
We are using the school Facebook page on a regular basis this year. To keep up to date with what is happening around the school make sure you ‘like’ the page.
The below are some posts you may have missed and are still relevant when publishing our newsletter:
Coat Hangers
We are seeking donations for more coat hangers for our second hand uniform shop.
You can either send them to school with your child or drop them into the office.
Next week the Grade 3 and 4 students will be conducting an experiment.
They are in need of EMPTY 1L, 1.25L or 2L bottles.
If you have any empty bottles please send them to school with child to give to Miss McCoy or Mr Tarrant.
Many classes are using ClassDojo in their rooms to reward positive behaviours and post work to student portfolios. Through this platform you can connect to your child’s classroom and see their learning only. For every child you have participating in ClassDojo, you will have to connect to their individual profile using the information sent home.
The classes using ClassDojo this year are:
Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 4 & Grade 5.
If you have not received a parent login form, please let your child’s teacher know.
It has been great to see a number of students using their headphones this week!
Reminder to send some headphones to school with your child next week, to assist them when using digital technology and its audio programs.