Students for Sustainability

Students for Sustainability

The article below has been created by a group of passionate students who are trying to make a difference to the environment and sustainability at CHPS and the community beyond.  Well done Indi, Kira and Nico.


School Strike for Climate Change!

On September 20th, there will be a huge school strike against climate change and we are counting on you to attend the strike and make a difference.  This strike will put pressure on our

government to take action in slowing climate change by leaving fossil fuels in the ground! We have to stop this crisis immediately as Australia has front row tickets to watch the damage.


When: 2pm - 4pm Friday 20th September

Where: Treasury Gardens, 2-18 Spring St Melbourne


CHPS is in need of Climate Change Experts!

Do you know any Experts in Climate Change who can come talk to us all at assembly to help us understand the Climate Crisis better and help us fight it?

If you do, please contact Megan Smith or Karen Dileo


Indi, Kira and Nico

CHPS Year 5