Students of the week

Term 1 - Week 3

Madeleine K (FA) - For being you, Maddy! You are a great listener, and a great talker. Your 'Whole Body Listening Is Amazing'! Thank you so much for respecting our classroom values. You always put your hand up with a smile! You are a star!

Ella B (FB) For always listening respectfully to your classmates and teachers and doing your best work in learning time. You’ve made a brilliant start to foundation! Well done super star!

Matilda E (FC) For being a friendly classmate and looking out for others. You always do the right thing. We are lucky to have you in Founadtion C. Well done!

Mason B (12A) - Mason has been an amazing learner in 1/2A this week, he has produced excellent pieces of work - especially in Soundwaves! Well done Mason!

Ari S (12B) - Ari is such a positive and encouraging member of 1/2B. Ari always listens to and respects his peers and works his hardest in all learning tasks. Ari also helps us to keep time when we are doing learning tasks. Well done Ari!

Harlen H (12C) - Congratulations to Harlen for demonstrating a growth mindset by viewing his learning challenges as opportunites to improve.

Sonny W (12D) - Sonny has been a kind and caring member of 1/2D since the start of the year. It has been so wonderful to see him go out of his way to help others around him who need it. Fantastic work Sonny!

Kaylee W (12E) - Kaylee enthusiastically engages with all learning tasks and always tries her very best. She is a respectful member of the class who consistently uses her manners and Whole Body Listening. We love having you in 1/2E Kaylee!

Harper Y ((34A) - Harper you have shown respect is so many ways towards your teachers and your peers. You consistently listen, follow instructions and use your manners. You are a delight to have in 3/4A. Well done!

Fred B (34B) - Fred has impressed everyone with his superb start in 3/4B. He has shown respect by following all teacher instructions and displays an imaginative approach to his learning. Keep it up Fred! 

Josh K ( 34C) - Josh is a caring and thoughtful member of our class. He is always willing to help others and has made sure everyone has felt included throughout the week. Well done, Josh!

Tyesha B (34D) -  During Grade 3/4 cooking, Tyesha was a super helper and roll model to her peers by showing others how to appropriately pack up. You are always reading to learn and consistently model the school values like a champ! Great work Ty!

Jean C (56A) - You are always respectful of your teachers and classmates and set and excellent example for others. Well done!

Maccy K (56B)  - Maccy demonstrated both creativity and resilience when designing and building his catapult in our 'Higher Order Thinking' session. Great stuff !

Term 1 - Week 4

Ollie W (FA) - For your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. You love contributing to class discussion and always give everything your all. You are an absolute STAR and we love having you in Foundation A!!

Milie E (FB) - For your outstanding listening and concentration during learning time. You show great respect to not only teachers but to your peers as well. Keep it up!

Joshua S (FC) - Your super power is your listening! You are great at listening to your teacher and classmates. You are respectful at all times and are a champion student! Keep it up!

Matthew M (12A) - For your enthusiasm for learning in the area of Mathematics, it is so lovely to see you shine each and every day.

Celina T (12B) - Celina is a friendly and helpful member of 1/2B. Celina consistently shows the values of Friendship, Laerning and Respect by listening respectfully to others, helping her freinds ad

Annabelle N (12C)  - Congratulations to Annabelle for always trying your best and for always taking pride in the presentation of your work. Keep up the briliant work!

Hamish M (12D) - It was wonderful to see Mish Mash using our CAFÉ strategies independently during morning reading! You were cross-checking and re-reading like a star! Keep up the amazing work!

Elias N (12E) - Elias is a respectful member of the class who always models positive classroom behaviours. He always tries his very best in all learning tasks and does not give up when things get tricky. It is wonderful to have such a responsible class member in 1/2E! Well done Elias!

Isabella W  (34A) - Isabella you have been a great friend this week making sure others feel included. It’s been great to see your positive attitude towards including new friends in your games.

Keira S (34B) - Keira has picked up where she left off from last year, being a super assistant to Mr. Boyd and continuing to make giant leaps in her learning! 

Rory K (34C) - Rory showed our school values of learning and friendship during House Swimming this week by trying his best and supporting his peers. Well done, Rory!

Ella M (34D) - Ella was an exceptional learner and friend when participating in numerous maths games and group tasks. She shared tasks fairly and challenged herself when working with 6-digit numbers in numeracy. Keep up the super work!

Neva M (56A) - Displaying all four school values. You have settled into our school so well, it’s as if you’ve always been here. Your determination, have a go attitude and general all round positivity are wonderful to see.

Neo S (56B) - Neo demonstrated respect, compassion and friendship when supporting his classmates in their learning. You should be proud of yourself Neo, you have such a great heart!



Lewes C (34A) - Well done Lewes, you have made an excellent start to the year in Art by listening carefully and working studiously on set tasks. Keep it up!