Leadership @ Monty

Student Voice and Agency

MPS’s vision for learning recognises the fundamental importance of empowering students and the contribution that student voice, agency and leadership can make to improve student outcomes, health and wellbeing. At MPS, we aspire for all students to achieve and grow as learners, and to generate their own course for lifelong learning. Last week, we asked students from Grades 1-6, to spend some time giving us feedback on their school life.


A key message that came through when talking to students about teaching and learning was that teachers understood how students learned best...“My classroom teacher knows the best way we learn and uses the way we learn best.”  It is very evident from this student feedback that teachers care deeply about their students and strive to ensure they learn in each and every lesson.


Our students are currently setting their personal learning goals for this Term with input from their teacher.  It is amazing hearing some of our Grade 1 students articulate how they are going and how they can work towards their goals. Our teachers at MPS are passionate at teaching how to learn. We know that this empowers our children and gives students a higher chance of success.


A favourite student response:

Question: “How do you learn best?”

Answer: “Using your head, trying again and again with a growth mindset, using thinking strategies, staying on task with demonstrations shown on the board and learning from your mistakes.”


And some responses that made us giggle…

Question: "How can maths lessons be changed to help you improve?”

Answer: “Well, I don’t really like maths  but my teacher is good at teaching it.”


Question: "How can writing lessons be changed to help you improve?”

Answer: “No changes, there is nothing rong…”!!!


We will continue to collect student feedback/voice on a range of topics this year, as well as work on our spelling approach!  


Student Leaders

We are thrilled to announce our 2019 Year 6 student leaders. It has been a big couple of weeks as our candidates needed to prepare a written application for their role of choice, present a speech in front of their peers and then sit an interview with a panel of 3 staff members! We are so proud of the Grade 6 cohort, for supporting and encouraging each other throughout this process.


The Resilience Project

The Resilience Project is coming to Monty! It is a wonderful program and Hugh van Cuylenburg is an outstanding presenter! Please ensure that you place the following date/time in your calendar for the Parent Session -  you will not be disappointed!

Monday 18th March @ 7pm in our hall. 

Have a great week, 

Janene and Kristie