Extra Curricula News

Cross Country

Well done to all our students who participated in Cross Country last Friday. Congratulations to Mia, Apuk, Kaea, Auberon, Naomi, Armani, Chiara, Nigel and Lara who have all made it into the next round of regional finals. We wish them all the very best of luck!

Drama Club

We have settled into Term 1 well and truly now, so these are the exciting things that we have been doing in the Drama Club this term. The focus has been on team games and working as a large group.


Year 1/2 Community

A few of the games that we have been playing have been “Change Something”, where in pairs one person changes something about their appearance and the other person must guess what has been changed. A great game to show how powerful observation is.


Another game is “Captain on Deck”, where students must follow the command of the captain and move to the appropriate side of the imaginary boat and make the appropriate movement.


Year 3/4 Community

This group was great at “What are you doing?”. A simple activity where a person acts out a simple movement and when asked “What are you doing?” by another person, they say something completely different, which the other person must act out.


Another great game was “Noah’s Ark.” Two of each kind of animal was written on paper and children then selected an animal at random. They then had to S-L-O-W-L-Y morph into that animal and find their partner.


Another simple game that teaches focus is “Mirror”. In partners, one person is the leader and the other is the mirror. The objective is to move so slowly that it is difficult to see who is who.


Year 5/6 Community

The Shrinking Box

The Year 5/6’s have been working on their pantomime skills and also memory. One activity that they participated in was called The Shrinking Box, where each student had to mime that they were trapped inside a box that gradually started shrinking. They had to show their reaction to the rapidly closing walls and also come up with an ingenious way of getting out of the box. 


The Year 5/6’s also played “I went to the supermarket”, whereby each player adds an item to the shopping list in turn and then the person after them must remember that item and add a new item to the list. The challenge was to see who could remember all the items listed by the whole group. 


Alien Wonderings was another game that we played together. We formed small groups of “alien families”. Each family was presented with a random everyday object. The aliens, having never seen this item before, must come up with an original use for the item. 

Tina Cuni

Drama Club Leader

Ride2School Day

This Friday  13th  March, Corpus Christi School will be taking part in the “Freaky Friday National Ride2School Day.”

Students and their parents can meet at Hansen Reserve, the opposite side of the car park, along Glamis Road. From there we will all ride, scooter or walk to school together. 


Students are invited to decorate their bike if they wish. Upon reaching school, students who have participated will receive a sticker. We would love to see as many families involved as we can.