e-Learning News

Year 3/4 Cyber Safety

The Year 3/4 Community continue to develop their understanding of Cyber Safety. In order to build students awareness and keep them safe in online spaces, the Year 3/4's have looking at the content that they are putting out onto digital spaces. 


They looked at a few common apps and evaluated the good and the bad of these programs. 

Some of the questions they asked themselves were:


  • Why do you share images online?
  • How can you keep your information private?
  • Who should you share information with?
  • What type of content do you share online?

Just to name a few!


Not only was this a fun activity, but the students came out with a certificate, showing they are Cyber Safe! They will continue to work on these skills over the next few weeks to continue to prepare themselves as digital experts!


Zachary Lane 

eLearning Coordinator

Are they old enough?

Parents and carers play a key role in guiding their children as they first encounter the online world and begin to learn through exploration, play and social interaction. 


When is your child old enough to take their first online steps and begin to explore on their own? How soon are they ready for smartphones and social media accounts? 


The Australian eCommission (commission for the safety of children online) advise that the right age for your child will depend on their level of maturity and your family routine. It is worth asking yourself the following questions before handing over a digital device. 

  • Does my child have a good sense of responsibility? 
  • Are they able to stick to the rules? 
  • Do they show a good understanding of actions and consequences? 
  • Do they come to me or another trusted adult when they are distressed or if they encounter problems? 
  • What are the rules about when and where my child can use their smartphone? For example, will they only be able to use it while they are away from the house, and not in their bedroom at night

Finding the right balance about how much to supervise your child’s online activity will depend on your family’s culture and the individual needs of your child. Keep in mind that many social media websites, and programs that allow you to contact others have age restrictions for +13 or higher. 


Be prepared for your child to need more support from you at particular times, and to resist your support at other times. Eventually they will be ready to explore on their own — but keep the lines of communication open so they can come to you with any concerns they may have. 


For more information, visit: www.esafety.gov.au


Zachary Lane 

eLearning Coordinator