Learning in S31

Senior School S31 Patterson is sharing the learning taking place in their class...

With leadership speeches coming up in the near future for our year 5’s, S31 have been learning about the personal attributes that make a good leader.  During our lessons, we have researched information on people we look up to and who we think demonstrate the values that make a great leader.

It has been interesting to learn that our school values in respect, responsibility and resilience, align closely with the same qualities we expect from a role model.

We all chose a single word we thought related best to us and we created a poster to hang up and remind us to always stay true to our own values.

We have also had the wonderful opportunity to speak to the Kids Helpline on how to become a resilient person and bounce back when things don’t quite work out our way.  We learnt some new strategies to release stress and tension (which made us laugh lots).

Squeeze your shoulders to your neck really tight and release it 5 times! Feel better already.