Italian Report

The emphasis of the Italian program is developing the student’s ability to communicate in the Italian language (specifically, assisting them to learn the knowledge, skills and behaviours relevant to the Italian language), as well as ensuring that the student develops intercultural knowledge and language awareness (that is, that they develop knowledge of the connections between language and culture and can understand how culture is embedded throughout the communication system). This is achieved through games, songs, stories, film, choral repetition, role-play, reading and writing centred on topics that are relevant.

This year we have covered a range of themes across the year levels, including:I Saluti (The Greetings)I Colori (The Colours)I Numeri (The Numbers)Il Tempo (The Weather)Le Stagioni (The Seasons)Il Calendario (The Calendar)La Pasqua (Easter)Gli Animali (The Animals)L’Italia (Italy)Lo Sport (The Sport)Il Cibo (The Food)Il Mondo (The World)La Famiglia (The Family)Made In ItalyGli Italiani Famosi (Famous Italians)Il Natale (Christmas)