Wellbeing News

St Anthony’s Parish and St Anthony’s Primary School hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as central and fundamental responsibilities of the Church. St Anthony’s is fully compliant with all policies in relation to Child Safety. These documents ensure compliance with the Victorian Government Child Safety Standards which took effect on 1 January 2017 and reflect our Parishes’ ongoing commitment to ensuring that all children are safe, happy and empowered.

Wellbeing update

At St Anthony’s we refer to High Expectations. This means that we learn how to work with each other respectfully, with kindness, with gratitude, with positive intent, with positive unconditional regard. Learners, educators, family members and community members. We acknowledge that the resources provided for us are a privilege and the partnerships that drive our work forward are a gift.

If at any time high expectations are not met by any member of the school community there are very clear processes in place to ensure a restorative approach and to ensure appropriate consequences are applied. We use our school Dojo to ensure positive reinforcement of learners and to motivate them all to be successful people who will contribute to the world when they leave St Anthony's.

Everyone's Wellbeing

If you ever require any support at all we have a core team of leaders and community leaders who are here to help. Our Executive leadership team, wider leadership team and community hubs team have access to a range of resources to assist you with any support you require for your children and family. Our Wellbeing team is also available led by James Gow and our supported students team led by Susan Kubiak and Deana Portia. We have many programs and support structures available to all of our families here at school and we welcome you to see us at any time if needed. Every person flourishing and known.


We also remind you that all of the staff at St Anthony’s are more than willing to work with you and listen to you if there is a problem and when approached in a respectful and communicative manner. It is important that this home/school relationship is nurtured by family and school. Sometimes a reminder of this acceptable conduct is needed. At the time of enrolment all parents sign the Parent Code of Conduct and commit to upholding respectful community expectations.

I attach this  link to this code for your perusal.  The St Anthony’s School environment is the staff work environment and one which we work hard to maintain high expectations. We expect respectfulness from our children and this always needs to be modelled through parent interactions with staff and other parents.