Community Announcements

'Community is the central theme at St. Anthony’s, as we are far more than just a primary school. We are a community in which many of our parents and families are actively involved in a range of activities that complement and support their children’s education.'

Kinder Visits

Last week we were all ready for lots of our beautiful little 4 year old friends to visit from Heatherhill Kinder. Deb, Lisa, Ellis and some of our tech savvy 5/6’s, welcomed our friends and created some memories using the iPads, virtual reality and story telling by combining with an old classic; The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Then after working up a mega appetite, everyone shared morning tea together and sent them off with a show bag full of goodies to remember us. Working with our local Kinders and our own Kinder is part of our ongoing work. We have a super team at St Anthony’s. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


#communityhubs #collaboratingtolearn #relationshipsdrivelearning#blendedlearning

Circus Quirkus Visit!

On Saturday 18th August 2019, families from St Anthony's primary school and playgroup traveled into the city to Melbourne convention centre to see Circus Quirkus and share a picnic lunch this wonderful opportunity was given to us from our amazing partners Ardoch Foundation.

