What's Happening in Years 3/4

What a fantastic start to the term

Can you believe we’ve only been back at school for four weeks and we’ve been busy learning about so many wonderful things!


Physical Sciences

We spent time during the first two weeks of the term learning about the Physical Sciences. We learnt that some objects can be moved using the forces push and pull. We then learnt about how heat is transferred using radiation, conduction and convection. We saw how radiation, conduction and convection work together when making delicious hot chocolate!

Religious Education

The month of October is dedicated to Our Lady Mary, the mother of Jesus. We have been praying the Hail Mary every day after meditation. One of our homework tasks was to do some research about how to pray the Rosary.



We have revised multiplication and division. We are really good at recalling our times tables quickly and accurately through completing 5 Minutes Times Table Challenges and playing ‘Multiplication Around the World’ every day.


We discovered that the mass of an object can be measured using the units grams, kilograms and tonnes. When measuring liquids in a container we measure the units in millilitres and litres. The volume of an object is measured in units cubed.



We have written an explanation text on how to make a hot chocolate using the concepts of heat transfer. We know that an explanation needs to be written in present tense, be sequential, show a cause and effect relationship and uses impersonal and technical language.

We continue to use the Reciprocal Teaching strategies of: predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising to build our vocabulary and comprehension skills.


This week we have been on camp to Forest Edge CYC. We cannot wait to share our camp adventures with you in the next newsletter.


Mrs Dent, Mrs Russo, Mrs Georgiadis,

Mrs Hardman and the Years 3/4 students