School Notifications

BASC available on Monday 25 November

BASC will be available on Monday 25th November (school closure day) from 7am until 6.30pm.  In the event that your child/children requires care please Andy 0407 558 316.

St Columba’s Ride A Thon 13/12/2019

Please save the date for this years student Ride A Thon. This is a fun day allows students to use the skills learnt in Bike Ed as well as an opportunity to raise money for new play equipment. Students will be issued with a sponsorship form and are encouraged to ask friends and families for donations.


For the day to go ahead, we will need many volunteers to help supervise. Many Secondary Schools will have finished by this date and we would be happy for big brothers and sisters to help on the day as well.


We also need prize donations for participants. If you can help at all, please email


More details to follow.

Mission Month

October marks Mission Month in our liturgical calendar and at St. Columba’s we used this month as a time for reflecting and praying for others especially those in Ghana.


To mark this time students from the Social Justice team celebrated the children’s Mission Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Thank you Jade, Monica, Ava, India and Mia for representing our school so well and for Mia Sainsbury for reading a prayer of the faithful.


On October 31st, the students and teachers took off their shoes to remind us of those children who travel far and wide to school bare foot. By making this symbol, we begin to carry out our mission of faith and love.



‘This missionary mandate touches us personally: I am a mission, always; you are a mission, always…. As far as God’s love is concerned, no one is useless or insignificant. Each of us is a mission to the world, for each of us is the fruit of God’s love.’

Pope Francis

Teachers Luncheon 

Massages and mouth watering food, the teachers were delighted and extremely grateful for their special teachers luncheon on Tuesday 29th Oct. Thank you to everyone who contributed!!!


All platters are clean and ready for pick up in the parish centre kitchen.


Movember Open letter to Parents

Dear parents, guardians and members of the St Columba’s community,


As a Year 6 male group this year we have decided to make a stand for Men’s Mental Health. As the mental health of men is a big issue facing society today we are calling on all members of our community to participate in Movember. Please join Mr. A.M in growing a Mo, moving 60km this month; walking or running, or by donating towards our fundraising page.


As the Movember website states,

“We’re working towards a world where men take action to be mentally well, and are supported by those around them.”


We, as the leaders of the school and the future leaders of our community and the world believe that this change can and will start here with us. The first step is to be educated on staying mentally strong and building social connections for when times are tough. The second step is having conversations that matter.


The change begins with us.


We are asking that everyone who can, joins up to the Movember cause and then joins the St Columba’s Movember team page at


We can not wait to see the school a flood with Moustaches this November!


Kind regards,

The Year 6 Men of St Columba’s


Congralutions Christian Fernandez in 3/4R on the safe arrival of your baby sister Cameron.  

Catholic Education Today: Term 3, 2019

The articles reflect a common focus on encouraging young people to care for what’s important: from understanding current social issues to protecting the environment for their future, from engaging with their faith to looking after their health and wellbeing. This edition highlights the vision of Catholic schools to provide an education in more than the academic, as well as including the regular celebration of events taking place ‘Around the Archdiocese’.


The Term 3, 2019 edition is now available on the Catholic Education Melbourne website under News and Events / Catholic Education Today.