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Host families wanted!

For Gigi, Year 8

Many of you will be aware that Preshil is a proud partner school of MITS (Melbourne Indigenous Transition School). The MITS program places indigenous students from across Australia into partner schools in Melbourne, following a year of educational enrichment and acclimatisation to big city life.


In 2019 we’ve been absolutely delighted to have Gigi Burarrawanga-Wilson join our Year 8 cohort. Gigi is a thoughtful, open, funny and kind young man and brings an amazing wealth of experience and knowledge from his home in Darwin to our School.

Preshil is looking for any families in our school community who might be interested in hosting Gigi from the beginning of Term 3, 2019. If you’re open to the idea of having Gigi stay in your home during school terms while he undertakes his studies at Preshil (or even just curious about what it might involve), please contact teacher Chris Dite ( For more information about MITS, head to:


For Lidia García, Spanish Language Assistant

The Secondary School is delighted to have the benefit of a Spanish Language Assistant in Semester Two this year. Lidia García, who is 24 years old and lives in Madrid, will arrive in Melbourne on Saturday 13 July and depart soon after the school year ends on Tuesday 10 December. She is studying to become an early education teacher, especially in the field of languages, and is about to complete her Bachelor’s Degree in Madrid. 


Lidia is motivated to spend a semester in Australia as a Language Assistant to gain valuable experience and practice in her chosen field, learn about the Australian school system and make a meaningful contribution to Preshil’s Spanish program.  She is keen to get involved in a range of activities and hopes to share her language, culture and interests with her Australian community. She enjoys making plans with friends - a day out in the city, dinner, socialising. She also likes reading in English and Spanish, going to the gym, travelling, meeting people from other countries and enjoying different foods.


The benefits of playing host to a young person from a different country are very rewarding, not only by way of improving linguistic ability but also raising cultural awareness between both parties. It’s one thing to learn the theory of a language and study vocab in class, but it’s an entirely different thing to continue conversation whilst relaxing at home, over the dinner table, whilst watching a film, listening to music or learning socially-savvy phrases – all effortless daily language practice.


If you are interested in hosting Lidia please email our HR Coordinator, Kate Bowers, at

School photos

We have now received from Compass the Student ID cards and these will be distributed throughout the week. 


If you have not yet received the photo pack you ordered through MSP Photography, please contact them on 9466 7331 for assistance.

Next newsletter

The next edition of the Secondary School newsletter will be published on 5 June. To read previous issues or our Arlington and Alumni issues visit the iNewsletter Library here.