Mission Action Day

Mission Action Day 2018

Mission Action Day Walkathon 2019

  • Are you going to make a difference?
  • Our target is $12,000+
  • All proceeds support La Salle Technical College in Hohola, Papua New Guinea


St James College is conducting its annual Walkathon on Friday 16 August, 2019. Students and staff are raising funds for La Salle Technical College (LTC) in Hohola, Papua New Guinea.


LTC is an educational facility for young people, most of whom would otherwise not receive a secondary education. The centre provides an opportunity for young people, who fail to be accepted into government secondary educational institutions, to continue with their education, and to assist themselves to break the cycle of poverty and unemployment in Port Moresby. LTC is run by the De La Salle Brothers, without support from the Papua New Guinean Government.


There are currently 760 students enrolled at LTC, and they are offered educational opportunities, as well as vocational training. Work experience is a key part of the curriculum in senior years. Students travel up to 25km to get to school, as most cannot afford a bus fare. Many arrive without breakfast, many do not have lunch and most do not eat at night. LTC runs a successful Breakfast Club program attended by up to 140 students. 80% of third year graduates from the trade and hospitality courses find employment.


Over many years, the St James College Walkathon has raised more than $250,000 for LTC. In recent years, this money has been used to fund the improvement and maintenance of various learning and sporting facilities, provide protective equipment and clothing for workshops, as well as purchase a vehicle to provide school transport for students who would otherwise walk long distances. In 2019, our target is to raise at least $12,000 to be forwarded to LTC.


It is important to note that the money raised for Mission Action Day should not be seen as a further cost to St James College families. It is suggested that where possible, sponsorship be sourced from extended family members, friends, sporting clubs and neighbors. As students have been asked to raise money from sponsors to contribute towards our support of Hohola, they will be rewarded one raffle ticket for every $30 they raise. Each raffle ticket gives them the chance to win one of a selection of donated prizes. It is important to note that prizes should not be the primary motivation for students to raise money for this important cause. Points will be allocated to the house that can raise the highest collective donations, as part of our College House Competition.


We are also seeking your support for our Walkathon. We encourage local businesses to consider helping out by donating items that can be used as prizes, and further incentives for students to raise money.  If you are able to assist, the contribution of you or your business will be acknowledged on promotional material and in the St James College Newsletter. If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Dan McMahon (dmcmahon@sjcbe.catholic.edu.au) or Joel Harriss (jharriss@sjcbe.catholic.edu.au) or call St James College on 9575 8100.


Joel Harriss

Youth Minister