Holy Trinity Parish
An invitation from the Parish
Holy Trinity Parish, made up of the communities of St Peter’s, St Paul’s and St Catherine’s, strives to respond to people asking questions about Christian faith and spirituality in the context of the Catholic faith. One way we do this is through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults known as the RCIA. It is the process for welcoming and integrating new Christians into the Catholic community.
If you or someone you know has questions about spirituality and the Catholic faith we would love to hear from you or them. The initial part of the process is called inquiry – it is a time when we listen to your questions, and together explore and deepen our understanding of faith and the way we live as Christians. If you would like to know more please contact us soon, as we have a new group beginning soon.
Contact Holy Trinity Parish Office by ringing 9579 4255 or sending an email to office@holytrinityparish.org.au. Your name will be given to one of the RCIA team, who will contact you. You will be warmly welcomed!