work experience

Sam de Silva

Careers Education


I am pleased to join the team at BSC this term to take up the position of Careers Counsellor.  I have already had the pleasure of meeting many students and I take this opportunity to thank the many staff, parents and students who have extended me such a warm  and whole-hearted welcome. I look forward to working closely with and supporting all BSC students as they plan their career pathways.


As you have read in previous editions of the Brunswick Star,  the Work Experience program is a very important part of the Year 10 curriculum. Students play an active role in securing their placement and so have the opportunity to investigate employment pathways that are very specific to their interests. Both the college and its students are most grateful to the many businesses and organisations that invite our students to share their workplaces.  Following is just one of the many positive reflections that students have had about thier work experience.


Isabella  harding

Year 10


Work Experience site: Office of Greens Senator Janet Rice



What I was most excited about:

....the chance to witness the formation of policy (sounds lame, I know!) and how a political party caters to the interests of their electorate. In short, I was eager to see the process of changing the world!


What the experience was actually like:

....five days of trying to understand office dynamics, navigating the intriguing world of political rivalry and mastering customer service skills - all while striving to make a meaningful contribution to the office!

 I joined a friendly, dedicated, but very tired office team  who were still reeling from Budget Week. Even though they had work up to their ears, they welcomed this shell-shocked work experience student into their office and worked hard to make my learning experience valuable.


Each day was new adventure. I learned how to field phone calls and service the front desk; I learned details about the roles of senators and the Greens Party opinions and beliefs; I witnessed first-hand the struggle that minor parties have just to get media coverage of their work  – you can’t really plan going viral!


The staff gave me tasks that let me contribute to something larger than myself, rather than just sending me to get the coffees.


The lessons I learned:

....Even though I am young and might sometimes feel like I have no actual ‘power’, I am still important.


This is my future the Government is creating and if I want to,  I can be part of that process - more than just a raindrop in the ocean.