trading up


Matthew Lynch

Year 11 Coordinator

Teacher - Accounting


Congratulations to Year 11 Accounting team  - Andre Pagano, Terry Pavlakos and Gian Toro  - who have been recognised for their outstanding performance in the ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) Game.


To support their learning,   Year 11 students put theory into practice  by playing the ASX Sharemarket Game. Students receive a virtual $50,000 that they can invest in the sharemarket over a 10 week period in any or all 220 companies listed on the ASX.


Students trade in 'real' time - they  'buy' and 'sell' at the same prices as they would in the live market - so this is as close to real life share trading as you can get - without risking real money!


As a result of playing the ASX Sharemarket Game, students 

  • Develop their knowledge of the sharemarket
  • Learn how to research company performance
  • Discover the importance of considered investment decisions
  • Gain a greater knowledge of economic and world events and how they effect the sharemarket
  • Begin to learn more about investing, which is a beneficial life skill for the future

 Competing against teams from schools across Victoria, Andre, Terry and Gian displayed superior decision-making, teamwork and research skills to choose a portfolio of investments that performed so well that they acheived second place in the state-wide competition.


Well done on a fabulous effort!








Andre P
Andre P

Andre Pagan

Year 11

The ASX game gave me a better understanding of the share market, which will help me to invest in the future.




Terry P
Terry P

Terry Pavlakos

Year 11

The game gave us a realistic experience of how to invest in the share market.




Gian T
Gian T

Gian Toro

Year 11

It was great to see how something so complex can be turned into so much fun. It was enjoyable.