community voice

Parent Feedback Forum 


2018 School Review


Karen Harris



This year is the last year of our 2015-2018 Strategic Plan and this term we start the preparation for the writing of our 2019- 2022 Strategic Plan.  


In the final year of a Strategic Plan a School Review process is conducted which then guides what the school should focus on in the next Strategic Plan. 


The first step of the School Review process is to write a self-evaluation based on input from parents, students and staff.  We invite parents to express interest in attending a feedback forum to provide valuable information for our self- evaluation. 


This will be held on Tuesday 21 August from 6:30pm-7:30pm.  The initial meeting point for participating parents will be in the library and then each group will be directed to a classroom.


A member of School Council or the Leadership Team will lead each group of 6-8 parents through some discussion prompts to collect feedback on the areas of Teaching and Learning and School Climate (Wellbeing and Engagement).  There will be data sets such as student,  parent and staff opinion surveys and performance data such as NAPLAN and VCE results to prompt discussion.  As well, there will be an opportunity for participating parents to comment more broadly on what they feel the school has done or is doing well, what it could improve and what it should focus on over the next four year period.


We welcome parents/guardians with children across all year levels to join the forum.  We have sixty places available.


To secure a place please book HERE.


I look forward to welcoming you to the forum and welcoming your input.