
Music is fun when we play together!

The Kinders and 5s have performed together on different instruments this term; the Kinders are exploring percussion instruments and the 5s have played violin, electric guitar, drums, keyboards and bass guitar too! This term, we are learning about communication and expressing through song.


We have learned some Auslan sign language and singing our colours in French!


The Lofties are great performers and enjoy listening to others as they share their ideas.  We had a visit from Kade Brown, one of our piano instrumental teachers, who inspired us with his amazing gifts. The Lofties are playing games to learn performance techniques, such as being aware of each other and listening. Our games include 'Guess The Leader', 'Drum Conductor' and 'Musical Statues'.


The Sunroom and Peppercorns are developing their knowledge of 'How Music Moves Us' this term. After expressing themselves as a whole ensemble last term, we are transferring this experience to discover the elements of sound that affect our moods. Using Garageband, we have created music for working out, meditation, casual shopping experiences and dance party music!


Michelle Berner

Music Teacher