Primary School News

Mr Michael Connolly, Head of Primary School

Dear Primary Parents,


On Saturday morning, I spent a few hours walking our Des Connor Fields as our Year 5 and 6 boys started their AFL and cricket seasons off with trials. To say that there was an air of enthusiasm would be an understatement! I was fortunate to spend my time going from match to match across both sports and talking with the boys and parents about how their first week at Marist College went for them all. The two words that frequently came up when I spoke with parents about how their sons were going in Week 1 were excited and exhausted. So many parents shared stories of the positive change they have seen in their sons already and detailed how excited their boy was to involve himself in everything the College is offering. This is music to our ears as this was the challenge, we set the boys on their first day in the Primary School.


We must ensure though, that the boys get adequate rest so that they are in the best position to cope with the busyness of the next few weeks as lessons, trainings, and rehearsals start to appear on their daily schedules. To this end, I would encourage parents to remove all devices from the boys’ bedrooms when they go to bed so that they are not kept awake by these distractions. It is vital that the boys get the best possible sleep each night so that they are ready for their big days ahead here at Marist.


I would like to thank every parent for everything you have done for your son to get him to where he is today. As I mentioned at our Orientation Day Assembly, we are all on a journey together and the start of the year can seem like a very steep learning curve. I can assure you that curve will flatten out in the weeks ahead as the boys settle into their routines for Term 1.

2023 Primary Student Leaders
Lunchtime in Primary
Lunchtime in Primary
Lunchtime in Primary
Lunchtime in Primary
Lunchtime in Primary
Lunchtime in Primary
Primary Chess
Week 1 Highlights
Week 1 Highlights
2023 Primary Student Leaders
Lunchtime in Primary
Lunchtime in Primary
Lunchtime in Primary
Lunchtime in Primary
Lunchtime in Primary
Lunchtime in Primary
Primary Chess
Week 1 Highlights
Week 1 Highlights

Year 5 Formal Uniform Friday

All Year 5 boys are asked to wear their grey uniform to school on Friday as they will be attending the Inaugural Mass on Friday morning. They will not need to bring their sports uniform on this day.

Appointments During School Hours

During the last week, there have been a number of boys leaving early, or arriving late due to attendance at appointments. Whilst I understand that there are limited times available for appointments and that life can be full of unexpected situations, I would ask that, where possible, appointments are made outside of school hours to assist your son to maximise his learning potential in class. Thank you for your understanding.

Year 5 and 6 Parent Information Evening

All parents are invited to attend the Year 5 and Year 6 Parent Information Evenings starting at 6:00pm in the Primary classrooms this Wednesday evening. A reminder that there is a social event, hosted by the P&F, afterwards in the foyer of the Science Centre for Year 5 parents.

Year 5 Parent Social

Our Year 5 parents get to enjoy not one, but two social events over the next two weeks. In Week 3, all parents are invited to kick off the year socially by gathering as a parent body in the Tower Courtyard on the evening of February 10. For further information and booking details, please refer to the events section of the College Newsletter.

First AIC Round and Team Selections

I would like to wish all players, coaches and parents the best of luck as we navigate our way through Round 1 of the AIC sporting seasons for Term 1. If Saturday’s enthusiasm levels were anything to go by, it is bound to be a great day for all participants this weekend. Good luck!

Date Claimers for Primary Parents

February 1 - Year 5 and Year 6 Parent Information Evenings

February 3 - College Inaugural Mass

February 4 - AIC Sports Round 1 Matches

February 10 - Year 5 Parent Function

Anthony Graham – Pastoral Leader Primary School  

I trust by now that your sons are beginning to find their feet at Marist College Ashgrove, and if they still have questions to ask, that is fine. We understand that for several students it is a significant change in routines and expectations, and these can take time to adjust to. One of those expectations is the use of the College formal hat. Below are the expectations and reminders around the formal and broadbrim hat.

  • Students are expected to wear their College formal hat to and from school every day except Friday. On Friday students wear their broadbrim hat with their College sports uniform.
  • All students are expected to have their College formal hat purchased before next Friday.
  • Students are encouraged to leave their broadbrim hat in their lockers Monday – Wednesday afternoon and take them home with them on Thursday so they can wear them to school on Friday with their sports uniform.
  • If riding to school, boys are to leave their formal hat in their lockers and not carry it on their bike. If a note could be placed in their diary if they are riding to/from school that would help.
  • Sports training before school they must still bring their hat with them.

Over the next month, GEM @ Marist will be introduced to the students. GEM @ Marist is a well-being initiative designed for students to build resilience using gratitude journalling, mindfulness activities as well as building their sense of empathy towards others. Prior to launching, students are encouraged to think of 3 things daily that they are grateful for and physically writing them down. Research suggests that after 21 days of consistent gratitude journalling, it can rewire your brain to start scanning the world for positives as well as becoming 3 times more likely to notice a positive. This could become a practice within your evening routines with your son to help build their capacity to become more resilient. Have a great week!