By Emma Burgess

SRC – 2022 in Review


It has been an exciting year for the SRC, as we had opportunities to be more active in our school and wider community throughout 2022!

We kicked-off the year with the year 9 SRC organizing our first fundraiser for the year: a BBQ at our school swimming carnival. Our student representatives got involved designing posters, cooking sausages, and enjoying working together to raise money to support the community between swimming in events. Across the year, the PSC SRC helped to raise over $4000 for organisations including Wear It Purple, WorldVision, The Smith Family Appeal, and Fight MND, through whole-school events and casual clothes days. 

The SRC also worked with the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in the lead-up to Refugee Week, and Parkdale donated a total of 432 goods to support asylum seekers and refugees in the wider Melbourne community. The Senior SRC ran a donation competition across year levels to encourage donations, and the year 11 cohort donated over a quarter of total donations, winning a pizza lunch for the year level. 

The SRC have worked closely with Wellbeing throughout the year to raise mental health awareness. The Senior SRC raised awareness of IDAHOBIT Day, and made rainbow pins to share among staff and students, and the Junior SRC organised mindfulness activities for tutor groups throughout Mindful May. In-line with Friendship Day, the year 7 and 8 SRCs worked together to run a Kindness Cards activity in tutor groups, to spread kindness and positivity among year levels, and to help build a sense of connectedness. The SRC were also active in supporting R U OK? Day, with SRC from each year level working together to raise mental health awareness for their cohorts. The Year 8 SRC focused on togetherness and supporting each other with a paper-chain competition in tutor groups to continue to create a sense of community among their year level. Congratulations to 8E who won the competition – with a paper chain wrapping almost twice around their classroom - and a hot-chip lunch for their class!

We have also committed our time to generating a sense of community among the student body at Parkdale. The year 7 SRC ran a tutor group room decorating competition early in the year, where each year 7 class worked together to choose a class theme and decorate their classrooms. 7D stole the show with their 7 Dim Sums theme! The Junior SRC organised a face painting booth for the Athletics Carnival for students and staff to have their faces painted in their house colours to build team spirit on the day. And many of the year 9 SRC worked closely with their Coordinators and Year Level Leader to make their Year 9 Celebration Day a success. 

The SRC have showed their enthusiasm for the school community behind the scenes, and have strived to share their ideas and passions with one another and the school through supporting organisations and initiatives they care about, and know are important to their peers. They have stepped out of their comfort zones, gotten creative, problem-solved, stepped into presenting roles, and become leaders in their wider school community. Well done to the amazing 2022 PSC SRC! 

We are looking forward to sharing with everyone what we already have planned for 2023!


Emma Burgess

SRC Coordinator