
Mr Jake Phin and the Wellbeing Team

Dear Parents/Carers,


As 2022 is quickly coming to an end, I’m sure that, for many of us, the opportunity to take a break and enjoy time with family will be welcomed.


That said, the holidays however can be a particularly difficult time for some of our more vulnerable young people and their families. It is important that we continue to support each other as a community, looking out for the mental health and wellbeing of not only ourselves, but of those arounds us.


The attached flyer from Headspace highlights some strategies to support your young person during the holidays. This flyer also includes the contact details of a number of mental health services that can be accessed at any time. If you or someone you know of is in need of support, I encourage you to please make use of these valuable services. 


Otherwise, if you or your young person are already linked in with external supports, such as a GP or Mental Health Clinician, please also consider seeking their advice and support as required over the holidays.


The Wellbeing Team and I wish you all a restful holiday break and happy new year!



Jake and the Wellbeing Team