From The Principal

Mr David Russell

I am very pleased to say there were no disruptions to the normal school program in 2022.  The remote learning periods of previous years did not happen.  There were struggles at times, coping with large numbers of staff absences given the isolation period rulings that had to be followed.  Fortunately, as the year progressed these restrictions were relaxed and more normality returned.  Having said that, students, depending on their year levels, returned at varying degrees in terms of their work ethic, social skills and emotional regulation.  We have worked constantly through the year with a number of students to assist them to be productive members of the school community both in and out of the classroom.

I sincerely hope that we have now seen the back of this period and we are able to look forward, with much excitement to the 2023 school year.


Capital Works

The first aid centre was completed and handed over in July and the hardcourts, a couple of weeks later.  Both have been welcomed by the student body and staff.

The main building is nearing completion but I, unfortunately, am unsure if it will be completely ready by the start of the 2023 school year. Given that the plan is to demolish the remainder of C block and M Block during the Christmas break, this could be a problem.  Further complicating this is that the landscape works will not be finished until the end of Term One.  There are numerous discussions taking place as to how this will all fit together and access to being able to use the building.

The C Block toilet refurbishment has now been delayed until Term One, given the  circumstances.



On Monday 29th November, with the exam period finished, it was time for all students to move up to their 2023 year levels. Students met new classmates and new teachers and began the next chapter of their educational journey.  In particular, the now Year 12 students began their important final VCE/VM year.  There is a period of adjustment over this time, particularly in the junior levels where friendship groups are broken up when the new classes are formed.  With the assistance of the well being team and coordinators students are taught and learn resilience skills through this process.


Year 12 results

The Year 12 results were released on Monday 12th December.  It was very pleasing to see the reward for the effort and commitment that students had put into their studies, particularly given the disruption to normal schooling in the preceding two years.  All students can be proud of their achievements. As always it is important to keep in mind that an ATAR does not define the person and there are many avenues open for a student’s post-secondary education.  Our careers, wellbeing and senior school teams will all be available to assist students to discuss their options. 


Celebration of Student Achievement 2022

This event recognized student achievement and leadership for the 2022 school year across year seven to eleven.  The Year 12 students were recognized at the Valedictory Dinner in November.  It was terrific that this event was again able to be held in person after the COVID-19 restrictions had prevented this for the last two years.  I congratulate all award recipients who have exhibited our college motto “pergo et perago” to excel throughout the year.



As with all years there has been a steady outgoing and corresponding incoming of staff for the start of 2023.  A number of teachers have attained promotion positions to other schools, some have decided that for their own professional growth they need to experience a different educational setting, as they move through their career and for others it is a lifestyle decision. 

So, we will farewell Ms Amy Dallas, Ms Anne Schmidt, Ms Madeline Luke, Mr Jared Bandara, Mrs Mohita Mahindroo, Mr Derek Jennison, Mr Joel Di Martino, Ms Marisa Di Paola, Mr Bradley Gillard, Ms Jean Lee, Mrs Narelle Bentley, Ms Hayley Murphy and Ms Kailey Scott at the end of the 2022 school year. I thank these staff for their work with the students of Parkdale SC.

With these departures, and others through the year, there is the obvious influx of new staff.  I will present the list of new and returning staff in the first newsletter of 2023. 


Student Leaders 2023

After a process including written application, interview, speech to senior school and voting from students and staff, I am pleased to announce the following as our student leaders for 2023.




Emma Downward

Nikolas Matthews


Alex Heenan

Jack Davis


I also take this opportunity to congratulate all students who nominated for these positions.  The quality of the candidates made the final decision very difficult for the panel.



In closing I take this opportunity to wish every member of the Parkdale SC college community a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous new year.