Principal's Report

By Roger Blackwell

Tuesday saw all of our staff and students move into their 2023 classes and start the process of establishing the new structures for each class. This day also saw the current year 6 students go the the Secondary College for the day, while the Kinder students had their day with Ellen in the Prep room.


On Wednesday our whole school  musical performance, Let It Shine went ahead, and wasn't it appropriately named.  With snow on the hills, light rain falling, I hope the weather gods herd our tunes and we will soon be blessed with sunny skies again.  I would like to say a massive thanks to Emily for her undertaking in getting this concert together. To see the students working with each other to produce a really special musical collaboration was very amazing to see.


It was our School's final assembly on Monday where the students did an awesome job of managing the proceedings over the morning, well done. It was also great to see the parents come along and support the children and celebrate the awards that were received on the day. I was very fortune to be able to present the Karen Emery and Kevan Thurtle Awards to Ruby and Anus respectively, they are very deserving  recipients. I would also like to acknowledge all of the work that the SRC had done this year, well done team.

A final thanks to the Brown family (Dot) for their ongoing scholarship for our school swimming program.


We where lucky enough to offered a couple of extra MAT sessions with Guy.  This has been a great program for students to be involved in over this term.  Thank you again to Guy for his commitment driving up from Melbourne each time to visit us each Friday.

Student reports will be electronically sent out through compass to families this Friday.  Please take the time to read through these, it could be a good opportunity to reflect with your child/ren around their achievements for the 2022 school year.


This will be our last newsletter for 2022, so I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to the Mount Beauty Primary School Community for being so welcoming of me to your school. It is a big difference for me to see students over a longer time frame (even though it hasn't been that long with MBPS) and have the pleasure of interacting with families as a whole. I have really enjoyed my time at Mount Beauty Primary School for these reasons as well as may others.

Please have a great break with your fiends and families over the Christmas period and wishing you all a safe and positive start to the new year.



