From the Counselling Team

Erin James, Counselling Team Leader 7-12


With each new year or season of life comes transition. Our students experience this as they return to school each year. Whether its transitioning from one year level to the next, or transitioning sub-schools, or for some, transitioning from another school, each of our students will experience some level of transition. 


Transitions can bring many emotions, and even disruption to our usual routines and way of doing life. A new school year, a new class, a new teacher etc. often bring fear, apprehension, anxiety, excitement and a host of other emotions. It’s often a time where parents and staff alike are asking the question ‘How can we support our students?’


Here are a few encouragements for making this progress smoother:

  • Open communication between parents and teachers helps everyone understand what is going on for students so we can support them
  • Allowing and making space for the emotions transitions bring and talking them through
  • Extend grace while students settle, this won’t last forever
  • Keep as much of your routine consistent as possible
  • Model regulation

We know that transitions can be tricky and challenging.  Our heart is to see students and their families experience authentic support and care during these times. If you would like to request counselling support for your child, you can make a referral on the Wellbeing Support page on the Emmaus Website.  




Erin James

Counselling Team Leader 7-12