Principal's Report

Michael Ramsey 

2nd December 2022


Parent contributions for 2023 are now open on Compass.


As the Department of Education only provides the school with a limited amount of student-based funding for a basic standard of curriculum delivery, we rely heavily on parent payments and voluntary contributions to develop and maintain the high-quality education programs, resources, facilities, and grounds the school provides. 


Therefore for 2023, we ask and encourage you to continue to make a generous contribution to our outstanding school as you have in previous years. Without your support and the subsequent lack of funds, we may have to reduce funding and cut several of our programs and resources. 


We have greatly appreciated your contributions in the past and hope you continue to do so through your financial support for the 2023 school year.  We look forward to a successful school year of teaching and learning in 2023 and thank you for your ongoing support.



The oval project, which involves resurfacing the whole oval with synthetic turf has been on hold for the last few months due to funding issues from the VBSA, the schools building auhtority. However as you may have read in the last newsletter, some additional funding has been provided by the VSBA after the re-election of the Labour Government last weekend. I expect the works to start early in 2023 and we look forward to a new oval at the school sometime next year.



Today we had our first ever colour run. The colour run was organised by the SRC and teachers Miss Boydell, Miss Greco and Miss Pugliese as a fundraiser. Funds will go towards the construction of a new prep play space in the currently unused space behind the prep building. Thank you to the teachers above and the SRC for all their work in organising such a fun event and the parents who came along to help.


We had some great weather for the run, and as you can see from the photos below our students had an amazing time!



Congratulations to the following students who have been elected by their peers and teachers to the House Captain roles for 2023.


Bradman : Allan K, Mackenzie C

Fraser : Shawn S, Catherine J

Laver : Nathan G, Trisha S

Norman : Bailey M, Coral Z


Well done to you all. The students and staff look forward to working with you next year and for your contribution to the school in your role of House captain. 


Thanks to Miss Pham for running the leadership selection process. We have the final part of this process starting soon, the selection of the specialist captains. These will be announced at the final assembly for the year on December 16th.



Thank you to Madame Lording and Miss Lu for organising such a successful Languages Day earlier in the week. It was lovely to see everyone all dressed up, and the morning assembly and parade was just wonderful. Thank you to Madame Lording for organising the delicious crepes too. Well done and a great effort from our students as well for their French and Chinese costumes and dress ups. Ms Richards has taken some terrific photos which are below.



The end of the school year is not far away but there are still plenty of events and activities happening at school over the next few weeks. Please read and make note of the following.



Monday 5th December  - Student Free Day - students not required at school. Teachers will be planning ahead for 2023.


Excursions - There are 5 excursions this week in Year levels 2, 4, 5 and 6. Please check Compass for more information. 


Friday 9th December - Assembly - 3pm via Webex.



Tuesday 13th December - Whole School Transition Day : Students will spend the first 4 sessions of the day with their new class and teacher for 2023. Please check with your child when they arrive home for a slip that will let you know who their teacher is for 2023. Semester 2 reports will be made on live this day for you to access via Compass.


Thursday 15th December - Year 6 Graduation. Please check Compass for more details.


Friday 16th December - Choir Christmas Concert at 2pm in the gym. Parents welcome.

Final Assembly - The last assembly for the year will be held on the basketball court from 2:50pm. Parents are more than welcome to attend. At this assembly we will farewell the Year 6's, any staff retiring or going on leave, and the rest of the school community as we start the summer break.



Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December - There will be no formal classes or learning activities on these days. If you choose to send your children to school they will be helping to move items and objects between classrooms, and clean up around the schoolyard, gardens and buildings. School finishes at 12:30pm on Tuesday 20th December. Please note the earlier finish time.


There will be class parties in the last weeks of the school year as well. Please check Compass to find out when and where your child's party is.



School recommences on Monday 30th January 2023. We are aware some families may be away travelling for the first week or two of Term 1. This is not an ideal start to the year so we ask if you can, all children start on the first day back of term. However if this is not possible you will need to add the absence to Compass and provide a reason for the absence. 


Michael Ramsey
