Learning and Teaching

A child’s curiosity is an astonishing source of energy.” (Edward Deci, 1995)


In our first weeks back, our children and educators have been immersed in lots of different experiences in hopes of evoking curiosity, fun and joy. They have been encouraged to investigate many different spaces that have been created to offer many possibilities and opportunities to understand and represent thinking.



Our children’s Seesaw Posts serve as their learning portfolio for 2023.  These will be used in conjunction with other samples of learning at Parent-teacher Interviews later in the year.  We intend to post to your child’s learning journal weekly and cover all areas of the curriculum that is being taught.   


What is Seesaw? 



  • Seesaw is a simple way for educators to record
    and share what's happening in the classroom.
  • Seesaw gives educators a place to document snapshots of learning.
  • Each student gets their own journal and items such as photos, videos, drawings, or notes can be added.
  • When there are new Seesaw posts, families can be notified
    via app notification, email or SMS.
  • Families are only notified about their own child’s learning, and all
    data is safe and secure.

Here is an introductory video of Seesaw for Families: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyugY17AiCM


Post descriptions are usually short in length and written in family friendly language.  Photos of learning can vary depending on what is being taught e.g. an individual photo, a group photo, photo of only learning from books or target groups.


We love to see family engagement through Seesaw whether this be by commenting on your child's learning, asking questions, or even hitting the like button (love heart) on posts.  This engagement means your child has a greater audience beyond the classroom and that the school can collect valuable engagement analytics that help us to continuously improve.  Next time you see a post for your child, leave a comment or hit the like button!

Curriculum Overviews

On Friday, you will receive our Term 1 Curriculum Overviews via Seesaw.  These overviews give you an insight into the learning experiences children will explore across all areas of the curriculum.  

Our targeted teaching groups will begin next week.  We see and hear learning from our target groups that transfer into other areas of school life.  Our strong learning intentions and targeted success criteria in 2022 has meant growth has be had across literacy and numeracy.  We look forward to continued growth in 2023.  Talk with your child about their target groups at hom as this will help them consolidate new learning.