End of Year Celebration

In Week 9, we held our ‘End of Year Celebration’. This event was to celebrate the achievements of our students, and school community across 2022, whilst getting into the festive spirit. The Colour Run was a huge hit, but possibly not as popular as Mr Gage being slimed, and Ms Golder being colour bombed.
This event was a huge success, raising $37,252, including fees and the cost of prizes. But despite the money raised and prizes won, the real reward seemed to be finally having the whole school community together again.
A huge thank you to Danielle Ali & Amy Barr, who coordinated and organised the event on behalf of the fundraising committee. Danielle and Amy dedicated a lot of time and effort across Term 3 & 4, organising food, coordinating volunteers and distributing prizes to students. We would also like to thank all the community members who volunteered before, during and after the event.
This event brought our fundraising total to $70,677! A huge congratulations and thank you to Olivia Mouat, and the fundraising team, on an extraordinary effort this year.