Vocational Major Update

Year 11 Scope sessions
The Year 11 students will be working with Scope across 3 classroom sessions and finishing with an incursion where students will have an opportunity to participate in an inclusive sports session. Scope’s education programs are workshop-style education programs guiding organisations on how to interact and communicate with people with a disability. The key message of “see the person, not the disability” has improved communication strategies across the board, creating happier, more accepting workplaces and we hope our students will be able to enter the workplace with these skills. The program has been designed to give students expert advice and practical tools on how to interact in a positive way with people with a disability both in the community and at work through a range of strategies which include:
- Identifying areas that could be more accessible.
- Providing students with the knowledge on how to interact and communicate successfully with people who have communication difficulties.
- Learning how to deliver services to customers with a disability.
- Identifying the business and social benefits of making organisations a better place for people with a disability.
- Understanding individual and organisational obligations under current disability-related legislation.
Structured Workplace Learning (SWL):
Most students will be coming up the completion of their 20 days of SWL with their current employer. Students should start looking for a new workplace. Please keep an eye on the SWL Portal https://workplacements.education.vic.gov.au/ or chat with classmates who they may be able to swap work placements with. If they get stuck students should work with their mentor.
If a student does not have a work placement they are required to attend school to work with our Vocational Major tutors to catch up on work or to help them find a placement.
SWL opportunities:
Mechanical placement at Bluescope Steel in Hastings. The opportunity code is W127948 on the SWL Portal
REECE Plumbing SBAT 2024:
Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystems Management SBAT Program 2024 - Mornington
Kennedy Plumbing is looking for a first year apprentice plumber - please contact them for more information
Gecko Roofing looking for a first year apprentice plumber - please contact Miss Wade for more information.
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