Principal Introduction

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
I wanted to welcome everyone to term 3. Term 3 is an exciting time as there is so much happening at Elisabeth Murdoch College. Everything from examination preparation to college productions, sporting events and excursions and camps. Our staff are committed to providing opportunities for all students to remain connected, engaged and successful. I hope that all students are making the most of these opportunities in 2023.
Our continued focus on supporting VCE students through the VCE Excellence program is having a positive impact on student motivation and aspiration. We know that outcomes in VCE are a combination of student hard work, commitment, dedication and sacrifice combined with outstanding teaching and feedback. This year our staff have been impressed with students’ application and focus, as we enter term 3 it is important that our VCE students engage in a study routine, seek feedback on practice examinations and make time to clarify and check for understanding in their learning. Our staff are here to ensure that every student achieves their best possible outcomes, across VCE Tertiary Pathway and Vocational Major, their level of care is outstanding and if your student gets overwhelmed or dips in motivation please reach out for support.
At the start of term 3 we received the Year 7 and 9 students NAPLAN results, and these will be distributed out to students and families. The Colleges’ learning and teaching team are really proud of the positive changes in NAPLAN results, reflecting our focus on student aspirations and trying your best. Students’ results have made some pleasing progress against similar and network schools. If you have any questions about the new NAPLAN results and format, please do not hesitate to contact the College.
On the back of these two strategies our year 9 students head into the 2024 course counselling process. This is a wonderful opportunity for students and their parents or carers to build a model for senior school pathways, considering a student’s passions and future goals. I encourage everyone to make the most of the pathway planning and course counselling sessions. We know that when students are enrolled in programs tailored to their specific passions and needs, that they are more likely to learn and experience more success. We pride ourselves on the provision of a broad senior pathway program where every aspiration can be met.
Our college production team has been working incredibly hard over the year and are excited to be presenting the musical Legally Blonde. I had the privilege to watch one of the songs during rehearsals and was thoroughly impressed with the vocal performance and choreography. It is obvious that all students involved are enjoying the process and are ready for the production week in mid- August. Tickets have all sold out which is a testament to our fantastic community.
Finally, we have just about finalised our redesign of the College Dress code, College council will make this new policy available shortly. Our mission throughout this review was to create a more inclusive Dress Code for our community, I believe that the investment and consultative process has brought about some changes which will met with positivity.
Kind regards,
Dean King