Interschool Sport

Soccer Lightning Premiership

On Wednesday the 14th May, Year Fives and Sixes went to play in the Soccer Lightning Premiership. There were two teams; the girls team and the boys team. Both teams had four round-robin games and at the end, four teams out of eight would advance to the semi-finals and two would go to the finals. The girl team made it to the semi-finals but then lost in a close game ending 1-0. The boys on the other hand were very close to the semi-finals but couldn’t secure the spot. Both teams supported each other and everyone was encouraging. Thanks to our coaches, everyone was given a fair go and everyone tried. Overall, it was an amazing and exhilarating experience.


By  Zale A and Andrew F - Grade 6L

Netball Lightning Premiership

On Thursday the 15th of June, a group of Year Five and Six students from St Marys primary, headed towards Duncan McKinnon reserve to compete in the Netball Lightning Premiership. We were lucky enough to compete against other catholic schools in our area. Some of us had never played netball competitively or maybe at all; however everyone did an amazing job at helping out their team. We learnt many new skills and got to improve on our game plan too. We got to catch up with some friends from other schools and made some new ones on top of that. St Marys had one all girls team and two mixed teams competing throughout the day. One of our mixed teams made it into the Finals! Hearing all the cheering from our students on the sideline really boosted them. Sadly we didn't win, but getting into the finals was already a massive achievement. Everyone was showing amazing teamwork and sportsmanship. We thank our incredible coaches, parent helpers and especially Mrs. Sullivan for making the day memorable and helping run the event. Everyone was so dedicated, and nothing could stop us. Thank you to everyone for keeping their heads high throughout the entire day.


 By Giselle C and Caitlin L - Grade 6L